"Do you remember when we were in Hawaii and you did that thing where you listed all of your favorite physical appearances on me?" He finally asks. You look up from your wrists and back at him.

"Yes, but... I don't think right now there's anything to favorite with me." You say. Your face and eyes are red with hives, and you're still dripping with tears. Your hair is messy and you're wearing one of Spencer's old Caltech sweaters.

"That's definitely not true. You know I think you're beautiful all the time." He says. You fake a smile and look back down at your hands. You're making the same face he made when you told him the same thing- a face of disbelief.

"Hey, come here." He says. He lifts his hand and gestures for you to come closer to him so you do. He lays you between his legs while he leans back on some pillows. You lean back on his chest while he grabs both of your hands in his and rubs his thumbs on your palms. You take a deep breath and feel yourself relax.

"Let's see, where to start." He says as you start to get comfortable. "Your eyes are so kind and welcoming, I often find myself staring into them and I don't mean to. When humans find someone attractive, our pupils grow in size. It's something we don't have control over and according to Derek mine grow to the size of golf balls when I look into yours." He says. You feel yourself start to relax even more at his soft tone. "And your lips are so soft. There's a theory that when you're with someone and you kiss, your lips kind of reform in a way so they fit like puzzle pieces. It's why it takes time to get used to kissing them, but I think ours fit from the start. I think everything with us fits." He says. You smile and start to rub your thumbs on his hands while his still move on yours.

"You have this thing you do when you're happy where you scrunch your nose a little, and I constantly find myself looking for it when I make you smile. It makes me smile." He continues. "And your hair is soft and it always smells good, and your skin is soft too. I like to memorize the curves and textures of your face and body when I'm with you." He stops and lifts his hands, which also lift yours. He scans them as your fingers hold on tight to his. "And your touch is marvelous. I agree with what you said in Hawaii, your hands always feel so comfortable in mine. Every part of you is marvelous. Like how your smile lights up a room, or how your feet step on mine when we dance. But my absolute favorite thing about you is your kalon."

"Kalon?" You ask.

"It's from the Greek word kalos, meaning good and beautiful. The idea of the word is beauty that is more than what meets the eye, and thats what I love most about you. You're divine in every way. Your kindness, your humor, how you entertain my weird
quirks that others find strange." He says.

"I don't think they're weird, I think they're amazing." You say and he smiles.

"See, that's what I'm talking about. You appreciate people for who they are no matter what." He says. "It's what makes you such a beautiful person inside and out. So don't ever worry about not looking your best self or not feeling confident, because I'll love you forever no matter what you look or feel like. And if anybody tells you or makes you feel any different I'll be here to give overwhelming evidence that they are wrong in every possible way."

A tear falls as you start to shift position. You move from leaning back on him to laying face down on top of him with your legs on his sides and your head on his chest. You wrap your arms around his neck and he places his on your back.

"Thank you Spencer. This is exactly what I needed." You say.

"Of course my love." He says. He kisses your head and rubs your back while you feel yourself doze off again. Your eyelids become heavy as you rise and fall with Spencer's breath, until you're fast asleep again laying on top of him. You sleep soundly and peacefully, not one nightmare keeping you awake.

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