Day One

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"Inmates, get in line!"

You walk out of the bus in your orange jumpsuit. Your chains clink on the ground as you stand in a perfectly straight line with the other inmates. Some of them seem intimidating, some don't. You stare ahead and don't look at any of them directly so you don't make a bad first impression.

"When I call your name step up." Says the officer.
"Woods!" She calls. A tall woman with neck tattoos steps forward.


Another woman steps forward with a straight, intimidating face.


You step up and feel your legs shake a little bit. You don't show it, but it makes you nervous that all of these people are probably looking at you.


Another woman steps forward. She has long, dark curly hair. She tilts her head and looks towards you. You lock eyes for a second and she gives a suspicious smile. It makes your skin crawl.


A shorter woman gets in line. She doesn't look intimidating at all. She has pale skin and bright blue eyes. You don't stare at her too long so you don't seem weird as the officer calls the rest of the names. Once she's done she instructs all of you to follow her inside. When you're turning you notice Donovan looking at you again. You ignore her but it makes you feel anxious again.

When you get in you're first instructed to have your mugshot taken. You stand forwards, to the left, and to the right so they can take the pictures. Once you're done you get to the showers. You clean yourself off and they give you a pair of white vans and a blue jumpsuit. You change and leave your stuff on a cot you're assigned. You have a quick medical check up, and they let you go. An officer takes you out of the processing room and you walk down the cell blocks.

"You're assigned to cell block C. Lunch is in a hour, keep good behavior and you can get library privileges." Says the officer.

"Why would I need library privileges?" You ask.

"I don't know. You seem like the kind of person who would want to go to the library." Says the officer. She closes the cell gate and you're left standing there. You look around. There's a twin sized cot with a gray blanket, a questionable toilet, and the walls are bare. You sit down and find a sharp rock on the floor.

"Keep a tally of your days there. It will help pass the time."

Spencer gave you that tip during your visit at the station. You pick a spot next to your bed and make one small line. Only 1,824 days left. Great.

"So what are you in for?" Asks a voice. You stand up and walk towards your cell bars to look around. "You're Doctor Reid right?"

"Um- yeah, that's me." You say. You can't see anybody but you can tell it's coming from the cell beside you. "What's your name?"

"I'm Aurora. Aurora Morand." She says. "I saw that you're a doctor on the officers sheet. What do you have your doctorate in?"

"Psychology." You respond.

"That's cool. You didn't answer my question, what are you in for?"

"I'm innocent."

"Yeah. Sure you are." She says. "But you have to be here for a reason, so what is it?"

"They think I killed four college students that I taught a year ago." You say.

"Damn, how long are you going to be here for?"

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