The Trial

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The jury files into the room and takes their seats. You sit nervously at the desk and try to slow your breathing. Fiona sits next to you with a briefcase as she stares down the other lawyer. He looks confident which makes you worry even more. People start entering the court room as well, including the team and Cecilia. You look back at them and take a deep breath. They all smile at you and give encouraging thumbs up and nods. Penelope gives you an air hug which makes you feel so much better. Spencer sits down and waves. He blows you a kiss, and you clench a fist to show you caught it. The judge then enters the room and sits in his seat. He grabs the gavel and you sit up straight.

"Silence." He says. The room quiets and the bailiff stands in front, scanning the crowd. "We are here for the trial of Doctor y/n Reid for the murder of four civilians. You are facing ten years with no bail. How do you plea?"

"I plea innocent, your honor." You say.

"Ok. Ms. Duncan, you may start." He says. Fiona stands from her seat and walks towards the front.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I would like to start my case by giving you an overview of my client." She says. "Doctor Reid grew up a city girl in Virginia with a clean record. She did excellent in school her whole life which got her a scholarship for college. She worked hard and got her doctorate in psychology and double major in sociology, and today she helps people by conducting ground breaking research and tests. She is praised by her peers and superiors and she even helps the Behavioral Analysis Unit on some of their cases. Last year she married their smartest agent, Doctor Spencer Reid."

She extends her arm towards the team and the jury looks over. A few write down some notes and wait for Fiona to keep talking.

"There is no reason that Doctor Reid would ever kill these people. The students that she taught enjoyed her lesson just as much as she loved teaching it. That brings me to my first witness, Doctor Alicia Davis. She was the professor who invited Doctor y/n and Spencer Reid to speak that day."

You watch as Doctor Davis makes her way to the stand. The bailiff stops her and puts her hand on the bible while she holds her other in the air.

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you god?" He asks.

"I do." She responds. She sits down and looks over at you. You smile subtly and she forces a fake one back.

"Doctor Davis, how would you describe Doctor y/n Reid's lesson?" Asks Fiona.

"It went very well. The presentation was well researched, well organized, and I could tell she worked very hard on it. It was engaging and informative." She says.

"And did it look like she enjoyed giving the lesson?"

"Absolutely. She was very comfortable teaching and did very well. She treated the students so nicely."

"Thank you for saying that Doctor, because that brings me to my next question. Was there any sign of anger or agression towards the students from Doctor Reid?" Asks Fiona.

"Absolutely not. I could tell she enjoyed talking to them, she was welcoming towards all kinds of questions and commentary."

"Do you think Doctor Reid could have ever done something like what she's being charged for?"

Doctor David looks away and for a second and you wait anxiously for her answer. "No, I do not. I was more than surprised when I found out that she was being questioned. Doctor y/n Reid is one of the most passionate, kind, and engaged people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting." She says. She looks over at you and this time her smile is genuine. You smile back and feel yourself ease.

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