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Atsumu & Sakusa DMs

Why did you lie to me? Why couldn't you
just tell me you knew me from the beginning?
Was it that hard? I'm trying to understand.
You're confident when you text,
I've seen the way you act in real life.
Of course, I don't know everything about you.
But it wouldn't have hurt to... reveal
yourself to me. Was I unapproachable?
Did I make you uncomfortable? Am I
really that scary to talk to?
I'm just an ordinary college student, not
some star.  Because now, I feel like
I've been a piece in your little game.
Like, you were using me to fill up some
void. Or as if you were having fun seeing
me confused and scared of my own feelings.
Do you really like me?
Do you?
Since when?

I may have been tipsy last night,
but I knew what I was thinking.
I knew what I was doing, trusting you with
my feelings about a guy I've never met-
who turned out to be you.
You, who seemed reasonable enough.
You, who made me feel at ease
and that everything was going to be ok.
And all along, you were the same person.
I've never felt so... idiotic.
I don't regret knowing you.
I don't regret any of the times we've
spent together- in real life, or in this
chat room. I don't regret developing feelings
for you. I was scared,
but I was willing to accept it.
But it's such a shame that you had to
find out my feelings about you this way.

Atsumu, just-
I want to know why you did it.
Yeah, I'm mad. Not at you, but that
it had to come down to this.
I'd prefer it if we talked face to face.
Sooner rather than later.
Just don't leave me hanging.
It's about time we meet up properly,
isn't it?
Sigh, I know you're reading this.
Take the time you need.
I'll do the same.

Read at 09:16

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