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It's been two days- two whole days of having no contact with Atsumu. Sakusa wasn't avoiding him, he was the one that reached out first. He gave the other some time to think about things, about them. He wanted to be approached first, but he wasn't so sure if two days was too long or too short to think things through.

The tired male lied down on his bed as he clutched his phone in his hand. Sakusa wanted to meet face to face, a proper introduction, a proper meeting with a set place and time. But he wouldn't mind if it was a text message first. He'd been staring at his phone, checking their direct messages, to see if he could see the other typing in the chat.

Sakusa sighed, shutting his phone on and off again. It was very late at night, even after looking at the screen for so long, he didn't check the time. It was dark out, that's all he knew.

He had seen Atsumu in their lectures, but the faux-blonde never looked his way. It was hard to focus in class, always wanting to check his phone, always wanting to turn his head to the right to see if the other was ok. From the outside, Atsumu looks perfectly fine. Well kept hair, a determined expression as he paid attention to the professor, the twirling of his pencil in his hands, it looked like everything was alright.

Sakusa wished he had known sooner.

But he always asked himself if things would turn out different if Atsumu did give his name.

What if he did talk to me in person?

What if I knew how he looked like? How he sounded?

Sakusa wasn't positive that he would've started liking him. He wasn't so sure if his curiousity would've remained for that long if it was a simple introduction.

He sat up in bed, maneuvering his hand in the dark room, reaching for his water bottle. It was a bit nerve-wracking for him, he was new to all of this. And in this situation, it wasn't exactly normal.

The ravenette was tall and handsome, he had the charisma. His personality was an attractive feature to most people. Yet, Sakusa would always mind his own business.

Growing up, his priority wasn't falling in love or dating others. He just lived day to day, experienced what he loves the most- volleyball and photography, and that enough made him happy for a while.

Sakusa wasn't a fan of social interaction. He could get by with just a few words here and there. Maybe he'd ask a couple questions if the topic interested him enough, but he'd never initiate the conversations. He'd rather listen, or he'd rather be alone and not interact at all.

He would have a lot to say though. Countless words and sentences would run in his brain all day, but they're mostly left unspoken. Sakusa thought it was better that way, no effort wasted, no time lost. And anything that he deemed necessary enough for him to speak, it would be self-explanatory.

Online, only a few people have his number. He'd occasionally check up on his family, his cousin, Komori, would text him the most. Sakusa didn't mind, they grew up together and they're still very close.

The rest of his direct messages would only be school related. Conversations didn't last long, not like as if Sakusa would want to know personal thoughts and feelings. Others would be small talk, but Sakusa would just leave them on read.

So when a random number decided to text him out of the blue, of course he was going to respond.

At first, it wasn't something he found funny. It felt annoying to have some random person come and mess up his peaceful life. Yes, he was worried that this stranger was some creep, but after the endless string of texts that came every day, trust was built.

Sakusa knew that Atsumu was willing to share everything about how he was feeling and what he was doing, well- except the basics of his name and appearance.

It was something new in his life.

A new experience that got his heart racing.

Every pickup line was obnoxious, it was painful to read.

The way Atsumu texted was child-like, it was frantic and all over the place.

There would be pointless questions that he would ask, but Sakusa was willing to answer every single one.

Because he looked forward to it.

He was curious about the way this man projected himself.

It has Sakusa all flustered, from his flirting to his romantic feelings, he wanted more of it.

He hoped that he would never stop texting him because he made Sakusa feel alive.

And he didn't want to lose that feeling.

Sakusa didn't want to lose the feelings he's buried for so long.

His feelings for Atsumu.

And now that he's told him, it feels like the other had ran off. Thinking rationally, Sakusa didn't want to think either one of them was at fault. He tried his best to understand how Atsumu would feel, the reason why he did what he did. But he wanted to hear it from him. Even if it wouldn't turn out the best, Sakusa just wanted to hear him once more.

The sound of rain pattered against his window. It was light, a gentle kiss to the earth. The tired male laid back down, his phone still in his hand as it read 03:47.

And it rang.

The moment it did, Sakusa held his breath. The caller was Atsumu, the one person he wished to see, the person he wished to talk to.

He hesitantly answered the phone call- at first, it was silent. Sakusa could only hear his own shaky breaths, his own rapid heartbeat at the dead of night. He clenched his fists to steady himself.

"Hello?" the other end of the line started. It was low and raspy, as if Atsumu had been crying.

He gulped, despite trying to get his composure, it wasn't working. "Hey."

"I didn't think you'd answer," he heard the other chuckle.

"Then why did you call?"

"I- um, I miss you."

There was a small pause before Sakusa continued, "I miss you too."

"Couldn't sleep either?" Atsumu asked, his voice a bit more livelier.

The taller hummed in response, "I was... thinking about you," he added. He might as well be honest.

"Me too- I mean, I was thinking about you too. Which is why I called, right, I called because I-" Atsumu began to ramble.

"Atsumu, relax, take your time." The other end of the line remained silent for a few seconds before resuming. Sakusa slightly smiled.

"Let's talk about- about everything tomorrow. Today? In a few hours, lunch?" he told, waiting for the other to answer.

"That sounds good to me," he answered, biting his lip.

"Oh ok... and Sakusa- Omi, I'm sorry," the shorter whispered into the phone. Sakusa sighed, closing his eyes for a while.

"I should let you sleep, it's late. I'm sorry for not calling you sooner."

"It's ok, don't worry about it. I hope you rest well, get some sleep, Atsumu."

"Thank you... you too."

Sakusa opened his eyes once more, his brightly lit screen was back to his home screen. He was relieved that Atsumu had called, a bit happy that they could meet up- but he was worried. Whatever happens at lunch, he wants to make sure that he'll set things right, hoping they both can talk to each other instead of arguing and fighting.

He hopes everything will be ok.

He hopes Atsumu is ok.

its almost 5 am bye goodnight _

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