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The two were seated at a booth by the window, their drinks already in their possession- and side dishes already placed. They were picking out their main course for tonight, in which Sakusa agreed to be the one cooking it for the sake of their safety.

"I haven't had hot pot in a while! My bro usually does the cookin'" Atsumu blurted out, chuckling as he broke apart his chopsticks. Across from him, Sakusa peered at the blonde who spoke.

"No wonder you told me to handle the food," he said, pulling down his mask in order to bring food into his mouth. The ravenette somehow recalled having this conversation already, or something similar to it. He dismissed the thought, focusing on the appetizers in front of him.

A few minutes have passed as they both looked at the menu. Every once in a while, Sakusa found himself glancing at his phone. He had hoped to see it light up with a notification, a text from a specific person. Only disappointment filled his eyes, sighing as he looked back at the menu.

"Hmm, I think I'm gettin' bulgogi," Atsumu mumbled, closing his menu and placing it to the side. The other nodded, "I'll get us pork belly then."

Mirroring the other's actions, Sakusa found his hand gravitating towards his phone. Still, there weren't any new texts from the person he's been talking to. In all honesty, the tall male didn't know why he kept expecting the other to keep in contact with him. He should be focusing on what was happening right now- eating dinner with Atsumu.

The waiter came around to take their orders, as well as asking if they wanted any refills with their drinks. When they left, Atsumu smirked at the other across from him.

Sakusa raised his eyebrow, taking a little sip of soju. "What is it?"

"Ya keep checkin' yer phone," he pointed out.


"Why? What's got ya occupied?"

"None of your business."

"Is it yer crush? Or maybe yer special other?" His smirk becoming wider.

The taller almost choked but maintained his posture. Sakusa could feel the heat rise in his cheeks. It wasn't an everyday occurrence to be teased like that. He was about to deny that statement before his thoughts began to wander, wondering if these strange feelings he's been having were because he liked the guy.

A crush? On a guy I've never met?

"As if. I could never like this guy," he deadpanned, scoffing at such an idea.

"Oh? Why is that?" Atsumu asked, intrigued and wondering if they were talking about the same person. Sakusa sealed his mouth shut, no longer wanting to entertain his audience with answers that will lead him to nowhere. The latter hummed in amusement, although unsatisfied with the lack of an answer.

The food came around, breaking whatever awkward tension was there before. Sakusa waved Atsumu's hands away as he was about to grab the raw beef and pork.

"I believe I was the one cooking?" the ravenette reminded before placing the meat in the sizzling hot iron in front of him. Breaking apart his chopsticks, Atsumu chuckled. "Of course, do yer thing, just make sure not to spill anything on me like last time." Sakusa gave a quick glare before resuming his task at hand. He could feel the shorter staring at him as he tried to focus, wishing the other would mind his own business at this point.

As soon as the food was ready, Atsumu held out his plate to receive his food.

"What are you, a kid? Get it yourself," Sakusa rolled his eyes, grabbing what was ready and stuffing it into his mouth.

"Oh wow, so rude," Atsumu jokingly pouted, getting his share while sticking his tongue out at Sakusa. The taller grimaced and looked away, falling silent for him to enjoy his meal. He was glad that the other liked it; he had to admit, this was a nice way to spend his Friday night rather than studying. Atsumu was a great companion to have around, although irritating at times, he made the world more lively.

Now he wasn't sure if it was the soju or not, Sakusa wasn't the best at drinking- but he was no lightweight. Perhaps he drank more than he had planned to, but even under the influence of a bit of alcohol, he was still thinking about the guy he texts every day. He didn't even give the guy a nickname, nor did he refer to him at all.

But it was no doubt that he made Sakusa feel a certain way. Comfort? The feeling of being young and innocent? The feeling of being himself? No matter what he said back to the other, he joked and accepted it. Even if they haven't met at all, it's as if he understood Sakusa. And to Sakusa, that meant a lot.

"Atsumu.." he began, lowering his hand.

The shorter hummed, his mouth filled with food at this point as he stared at Sakusa in curiosity.

"What would you do if you like someone you've never met?"


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