𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢-𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 - 𝚒 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚑

Start from the beginning

Michonne looked at Glenn, as if she was deciding what to do. After a few moments, she nodded.

"He didn't know you were coming last time." Hershel said. "And look what happened. You were almost killed. Daryl was captured, you and Maggie were almost executed and Madelyn was shot."

"You can't stop me." Glenn said.

"Rick would never allow this." Hershel said.

"You really think he's in any position to make that choice?" Glenn asked, referring to Rick's crazy outburst at Tyreese's group.

"Think through this clearly. T-Dog lost his life here. Lori too. The men that were here. It isn't worth any more killing. What are we waiting for? If he's really on his way, we should be out of here by now." Hershel said.

"And go where?" Glenn asked.

"We lived on the road all winter." Hershel said.

"Back when you had two legs and we didn't have a baby crying for walkers every four hours." Glenn said.

"We can't stay here." Hershel said.

"We can't run." Glenn said. "We'll stay put. We're gonna defend this place. We're making a stand. Carl, you and I will go down to the tombs. We need to figure out where the breach is."

"You got it." Carl said.

"You'll need some help." Michonne said.

"Yeah, anything you need us to do?" Madelyn asked.

"No, in case anything happens, I need you both up here. The tombs is probably where we'll have to do the heavy lifting and you can't do that right now, Mads. Not with your arm still healing." Glenn said.

After a while, Glenn returned from the tombs, covered in walker blood. The tombs were killing up quickly with walkers and the group needed more people to help patch the breach. If not, the walkers would fill up and everyone in the prison would be trapped.

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Daryl and Merle were still in the woods, looking for food when they heard noises. When they went to check it out, they saw a group of people shooting walkers on a bridge. There was also the sound of a baby crying and Daryl knew he had to help them.

Madelyn would want that.

Daryl helped the family out by killing the walkers. Merle wasn't so keen on the idea but felt like he had no choice since he was looking like a pretty shitty person by just standing there and watching. That, and he figured by helping out, the group of survivors would have to owe him and Daryl and they would take all of their stuff.

Once the walkers were killed, Merle went to the car which had a woman with her baby inside. He opened the door and the man Daryl was helping tried to stop Merle, only for Merle to pull a gun on him.

"Slow down there. That ain't no way to say thank you." Merle said. The man was speaking a foreign language so the Dixon brothers didn't understand them.

"Let him go." Daryl said to Merle.

"The least they can do is give us an enchilada or something, huh?" Merle said before looking through their car. Daryl didn't really know what to do. He was torn. On one hand, he and his brother needed this stuff. They had no food, no supplies. On the other hand, they were taking the supplies that this group probably needed. Plus, they had a baby with them. It felt wrong stealing their stuff. Daryl knew this was something Madelyn would never agree too. In fact, she would help them and probably give them a few more supplies to help the group out.

Daryl sighed and pointed his crossbow towards Merle. "Get out of the car." Daryl said.

"I know you're not talking to me, brother." Merle said, still looking at their stuff.

"Get in your car and get the hell out of here." Daryl said to the foreign man. "Go, get in your car."

The man and his friend both got in the car with the woman and child and quickly drove off, leaving Daryl and Merle, a crossbow pointed at Merle's head. Once the car was gone, Daryl rolled his eyes and began walking away, grabbing his bag and picking up his arrows.

"What the shit you doing, pointing that thing at me?" Merle asked.

"They were scared, man." Daryl said.

"They were rude, is what they were." Merle said. "Rude, and they owed us a token of gratitude."

"Nah, they didn't owe us nothing." Daryl said.

"Yeah, you helped them people out of the goodness of your heart, even though you might die doing it." Merle said, annoyed. "Is that something your Sheriff Rick taught you? Or was it your pretty little brunette?"

Daryl stopped walking, getting more and more pissed off with Merle. "There was a baby!" Daryl exclaimed.

"Oh, otherwise you woulda just left them to the biters, then." Merle said.

"Man, I went back for ya. You weren't there." Daryl said. "I didn't cut off your hand, neither. You did that. Way before they locked you up on that roof. You know, you asked for it."

"Heh, you know what's funny to me? You and Sherriff Rick, like this now." Merle said, crossing his fingers. "I bet on a penny and a fiddle of gold that you never told him that we were planning on robbing that camp blind."

"It didn't happen." Daryl said.

"Yeah, it didn't. All because you found yourself a piece of ass." Merle said, making Daryl growl slightly.

"What you trying to say to me?" Daryl asked.

"You went soft for a girl. Haven't you learned by now?" Merle smirked.

"He beat up T-Dog, pulled a gun on him, said some disgusting stuff to Madelyn."

"What did he say to you?" Daryl asked Madelyn.

"What?" Madelyn asked.

"You heard me. What did my brother say to you?" Daryl asked.

"I...I'd rather not." Madelyn said, feeling uncomfortable.

Daryl looked at his brother, knowing he had to ask. "What did you say to Madelyn that day on the roof?" Daryl asked.

"I only spoke the truth. I told her that your chicks end up becoming mine. That all your pussies come running to me. Tell me, little brother, did you taste her pussy? Was it tight? Cos if she's gonna come running to me, I need to know." Merle said, making white hot fury course through Daryl's veins. He growled and punched Merle in the nose.

"You ever talk about my girl like that and I will end you! She is my girl! Not yours! Mine!" Daryl yelled before walking away.

"Where are you going?" Merle asked, holding his nose.

"Back to where I belong." Daryl said. "Back to my group. Back to my girl."

"I can't go with you. I...I tried to kill that black bitch. Damn near killed the Chinese kid." Merle said.

"He's Korean." Daryl said, making Merle roll his eyes.

"Whatever." Merle said. "Doesn't matter, man. I just can't go with you."

"You know, I might be the one walking away but you're the one that's leaving. Again." Daryl said before walking away.

" Daryl said before walking away

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