"And we call Lux butterfingers." I joked and he looked up smiling at me with his usual lopsided little grin. "Hello to you too."

"Go help Cal set up the ring lights and I'll do this." I ordered him and he nodded, "yes ma'am."
"Little shit." I muttered under my breath before I took the camera and began setting up.


Three hours later

A knock on my bedroom door alerted me to one of the boys, I waved my hand behind my back and yelled a quick "come in" before I focused back on doing my eye liner and praying I didn't poke my own eye out.

"Hey Liv, Cal and I are headed out to meet the lads you sure you don't wanna come-.........holy shit." It was Harry.

I watched his face from behind me in my vanity mirror and giggled as he looked me over. Up and down my back and at my made-up face in the mirror's glass.

"I though you were staying in?" He asked sounding rather taken aback by my appearance. He'd seen me dressed up before, why was he so shocked? Was this too much?

I shrugged, playing it off. "Got asked on a date."
"Fucking seriously?" He asked almost shocked. "Don't sound so shocked Haz, I can still pull." I winked at him in the mirror a cocky smile coming to my lips subconsciously.

"I'm not......I just thought you and- never mind.....Who's the lucky lad?" He asked and I smiled wider, he was about to say he thought something was going on between Simon and I, and as right as he was.....we were enjoying watching our mates squirm.

"Well my dear Harold, that's for me to know and you to, dot, dot, dot....." I joked. (Get the reference?) "You're really not gonna tell me?"
"Haha no I'm not.......I thought you said you and Cal were going out?" I asked tapping the clock face on my vanity table.

"W....we are......well, uh....have fun on your date." He nodded awkwardly as he watched my face in the mirror. "I will, don't go getting to drunk, you lot need to film tomorrow." I reminded him, my big sister instincts kicking in.

"It's just me, Cal, Lux, Ethan, Tobi and  JJ....the others are all busy."
"Doing what?" I asked as if I wasn't already aware of what Simon was doing.

"Vik's pulling an editing all nighter and Josh's with Freya.....not a clue what Simon's doing but he told JJ he couldn't come out cause he was doing something tonight."
"Fair play." I nodded with a small smile.

"Can I at-least ask if it's serious with this mystery guy?" He asked and I thought for a moment, a small smile gracing my face. "Yeah.....yeah I think it is."

"Well I'm happy for you Livvy.....even if it's not with Simon.....man's gonna be crushed mind you." They cheeky little shit joked after he leaned down and hugged me.
"Shut up.....go on I've gotta finish putting my face on."

"You know you don't need all that." He said and I shrugged, "I know, I just like doing it."
"Fair play.....have a good night yeah?"
"You too Harry."

Then he was gone.


Tobi's POV

"So she didn't tell you anything about him?" Lux asked Harry who shuck his head. "Nah man, nothing.....she looked good though, like she was really dressed up- like she was trying to impress." Harry admitted to us as we all found a table in the club and stood around with our drinks- me being the designated driver (of course).

"Bro that's crazy, I thought she was gonna get with Simon....my man's gonna be crushed." JJ said and I sighed, "well that's our ship sank."
"Don't know that lad, she could come around." Cal shrugged and I shuck my head. "Nah, Liv's not the kinda girl to get dressed up unless she's really making an effort- like Harry said earlier- she seemed really excited."

"I mean I want Liv happy and all I just thought there was something going on there with her and Si." Harry told us and we all nodded. "Never mind lad.....we'll find him someone." Cal clapped a hand on Harry's back before the conversation changed and we all forgot about Liv's new mysterious date.


From Simoné⚽️: downstairs in the Uber xx

I grabbed my long, black, trench-style jacket  and threw it on over my dress to keep myself warm as it was a cold winters night here in London.

I slipped into my black heels checked my clutch/shoulder bag for my purse, phone and keys then I gave myself one last look in the hallway mirror.

I'd decided to wear, a simple black dress with a tight pencil skirt bottom and a slightly risqué top that had two bits of fabric coiling around my neck ma down my chest to cover my boobs, yet showcased my back and my cleavage

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I'd decided to wear, a simple black dress with a tight pencil skirt bottom and a slightly risqué top that had two bits of fabric coiling around my neck ma down my chest to cover my boobs, yet showcased my back and my cleavage. I felt gorgeous and sexy, but also nervous, was it too much?

"You can do this." I mumbled to myself suddenly feeling nervous for this 'date' with Simon. I guess my feelings for him where stronger then I thought so I was really hoping this went well.

To Simoné⚽️: be right down, just locking up. xx

Here I go, no turning back now.

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