4 - The Part-Timer and His Battle

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"Bleeeh..." I had to hold the urge to puke after I teleported.

The sensation of being teleported from place to place wasn't pleasant. I have not and will not ever get used to it. It's like being taken apart into particles before being put into a washing machine and spun around, with you feeling what every particle feels at the same time. In other words, it wasn't pleasant.

But nevertheless, I have arrived at the Geo Archon's statue of Mingyun Village. This place is in constant darkness even during the day, giving it a menacing atmosphere. Any other time, this would make for a great place for a test of courage.

Alas, this time I am here on an errand. I need to find Qiqi who, according to Baizhu, has gone missing.

"He said that Qiqi was supposed to be collecting herbs, right?" I muttered to myself, as to not keep it so quiet and eerie.

Looking for places where herbs would usually grow, I made sure to keep myself hidden from any hostility around me. That includes slimes, hilichurls, and treasure hoarders.

Of course, that's not to say I'm completely unarmed. Being part of the staff in the Jade Chamber, I was given a weapon to defend myself with. It's nothing special, just a basic Iron Sword, but it's enough to at least not make myself completely helpless against monsters.

Anyway, I digress. Apparently, finding a purple-haired zombie in the wild is much harder than one might think. I would've thought that Qiqi had gone home were it not for one little detail.

Qiqi's sword, the Sacrificial Sword, lying on the ground. Yes, they gave a child a weapon, super irresponsible if you ask me, but what do I know? There's a terrorist in red in the form of a little girl in this world after all.

How do I know it's Qiqi's and not just some poor sod's sword, you ask? It's simple, there's a distinguishable feature on Qiqi's sword. Its handle is wrapped with a talisman.

Seeing Qiqi's sword on the ground got me worried. I looked around for clues on where she had gone and found some on the ground. A trail on it, probably formed from someone being dragged, leading to somewhere. Picking up Qiqi's sword and putting it away on my side, I started to follow the trail.

Still, I wondered who could have done this to Qiqi? Sure, she may be a child, but she's still a vision-bearer. She's definitely not one to be underestimated. I mean, she'd definitely wipe the floor with me, as embarrassing it is to admit.

As I was concocting a theory on who potentially kidnapped Qiqi and why, I saw that the trail was starting to come to an end. Hiding behind a tree, I see a hilichurl dragging an unconscious Qiqi to a cave, being led by... a Cryo Abyss Mage?! No wonder Qiqi lost, having a Cryo Vision herself, a Cryo Abyss Mage is her worst possible matchup.

"Oh no..." I suddenly realized how bad the situation is.

If it were just hilichurls, I would be fine fighting them. Even if I couldn't defeat them, I could at least hold on long enough for reinforcement to come, or failing that, hold them long enough for Qiqi to escape and me to run away later.

But with an Abyss Mage leading them, the situation changed. Maybe if I could break its shield, I could do something, but I have nothing on me that could break its shield. Even if I did, I'm not sure I could finish it off before it could stand up again, making it a risky decision.

Still hesitating on what I should do, I watched as the Abyss Order slowly dragged Qiqi deeper and deeper into the cave.

'Dammit! Why am I hesitating?! A kid is being kidnapped and I'm hesitating on whether to help or not?!' I thought, clenching my fist.

The Part-Timer in Teyvat (Male! Reader x Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now