In and Out mission

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Ava's Pov

It was a quick Mission, Save Einstein, get out. But we didn't even think it was a possibility that there could be something more going on here. I fight a few low level goons along with Sara, I must say she is impressive. The league is a hard place to leave. She is an excellent fighter and an even more amazing Captain. She notices me staring at her and she gives me a grin, that snaps me out of my trance. I look behind her, and there I see him, the person I want to kill most (it's impressive for someone to be high on the list their is alot of people) for hurting my dear Sara. Damien Darhk. She notices that my gaze is no longer on her and I have a mean expression printed in my face.

That's when she looks behind herself, and sees her worst enemie,  the enchanted man who has the ego of a planet. He's the one who killed her older sister. Tried to end the world, and has tried to kill Sara, many times.

After subconsciously thinking of all the things he's done for Sara I decide I will go after him, maybe we can defeat him together, all the Legends. Before I can tell the team my plan Sara is on top of Darhk, trying to wrap a string to choke him. But soon enough he throws her of using his Voo-doo as I like to call it.

She flys over the one story balcony, I scream her name, trying to alert one if the Superpowered Legends to catch her. "SARA!?!" But the team is too busy with Darhk, or should I say getting beat up by Darhk, I hear a loud bang along with some glass shattering. I determine that me attacking Darhk while the rest of the legends are would not be very helpful.

I run down the stairs only to see Sara knocked on the floor. I run towards her, trying to reach her,  But also running towards her I see a man running to her, he has a sword, some other weapons, he's wearing an orange and black suit. I've heard of this suit before, he's the Deathstroke Sara told me about. I still don't know why all she would tell me is his villian name and what his suit looked like, but I'm assuming that it's because he's from her past, and if there's one thing I know about Sara lance she doesn't talk about her past.

As soon as I remember his name I scream out to him, "Deathstroke " I start sprinting towards Sara, trying to reach her before the infamous Deathstroke reached her. There's a reason Sara told me who he was, and that reason could not be good.

"So your Ava, Darhk told me about you, I realize that you are lovers, well, YOU KNOW WHAT SHE DID TO MINE, she got her killed. Now it would be poetic justice if I killed you here and now but, I want to make Sara suffer a bit first." He said all of this with an australian accent, and it fits him, but he was mad, almost like he was still greiving.

It took me a few seconds to process what he said, how did Sara get his lover killed, Sara wouldnt kill an innocent girl, would she? Why would he want to hurt her, the only thing I knew for certain was that I had to save Sara.

I run at him full force, I swing Sara's bowstaff at him, it was the closest weapon, he easily blocked it, he pulls out a small blade and swings it at my abdomen, I dodge, but notice he has some type of abilities. He grabbed me and slams me against a wall by the neck, I hear footsteps, I am seconds away from passing out and am now on the floor. But I had to stay awake, for Sara.

Then I hear Damiens voice, "Come on Slade, grab Sara." he says with a deep, bone-chilling tone. The next thing I can remember or see is complete darkness.

I wake up suddenly in the medbay, ready to fight, not knowing where  I am, by instinct I start to punch, Nate pushes me down back into the chair. "Ava, Ava, It's alright calm down." He said this and odly it comforted me, then it all hits me, Sara flying over the balcony, Fighting whoever this Slade is, and being choaked.

I sit up, now dizzy, screaming for Sara,"Sara, SARA, WHERE IS SARA!?!" They all jump from the sudden rise of my voice.

They look like they've been crying, even Constantine, he's almost as good as Sara at hiding emotions. "What the hell is going on, last thing I remember is trying to save Sara from that street magician, and Slade." I say this relatively calm, but still out a bit of aggessive tone, I am annoyed that no one is telling me what happens.

That is until John stands up and says something, "Love, I'm sorry, but they've taken Sara, they are torturing her and she ain't in good shape, but we have a chance at saving her. Sara has angered alot of people, and they happen to be powerful people, atlease we do know what year they're in, 2005. I'm truly sorry Ava." He says this will his stupid yet comforting british accent.

Though all that registered to I didn't know what to do without her. But we know what year their in so we might as well try, "I'm going to get Sara back" I say not leaving room for anyone to apose before I leave the medbay and storm to the Captains office.

Ray walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder, all I can do is try to save her. Suddenly he interups the silence, "She would want you to be captain." I turn to him and start to cry. Ray has always been supportive and know just what to say. I start to cry into his shoulder. I don't know how long I cried in his shoulder but when I woke up, he was gone and I was in my bed.

Do you guys have any sudgestions, ideas, criticism, be nice about it tho, I would love to see what I could do better. And the few that read this thanks, and I'll be updating randomly, whenever I can.

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