"Ahh ahhh fuck", I left the sheet touching my head, I'm going down I'm going to make me some coffee", I told Martha.

"No no no wait ma'ma, I don't think you n.e.ed to go d.o.wn", she said stuttering on her words.

"Lex please go and make her some coffee"?

"Huh Martha what do you mean" , I asked her with furrowed brows.

" With the stun u just pulled, I'm not letting you be down there with Jerome there so please stay", she said.


"Yes.",The maid wasn't long gone when she run into the room looking like she just seen a ghost not getting her words out playing with her fingers as we all look at her even the other maids have stop what they have been busy with looking her waiting to tell us what got her so work up.

"Lex please what's going on you look like you have seen a ghost", Martha spot with her but she look really seriously and her eyes gaze at me whiep she  try to get the right words to say when we all heard noises and screams coming from down stairs.

"Their here", I said with excitement and scaredness in my voice running out of the room just thinking about one person. I didn't pay any attention of the stairs as I run down it towards where the noise came from and it was  on the second floor hearing the others followed me.

One guard run up to me and stop when I was just about to turn towards the hall on the second floor.

"Ma'ma please you not suppose to be down here, miss Jacky instructed us to kept you safe in the room so please we need to get you to the room now." he said in a more stern voice looking at me with red eyes.

"Bu...but I need to know....wait", I said trying to let him leave me alone as he grabbed on my upper arm and dragged me away from the choas.

"Sir please did they find her? i asked with tears in my eyes still struggling to get my arm out of his hands but he was to strong.

" Ma'ma please we need to leave, Listen to the guard", Martha told me also grabbing on my arm to get me away from here.

"I need to know, no, no wait Martha... but I flince and scream suddenly when something hard falls through the wall as the house and the stairs shake under my feets.

" Yo..u a monster, how could you do it to your own blood", I heard jacky's voice yell but there was so many anger in it as I try to get lose from Martha and this man hold. I try to look behind me seeing Naomi hold Jacky down as her clothes was stain with many blood making my heart  ache seeing so many blood on her.

"Jacky! Jacky!I  Scream feeling tears prick out of my eyes this time very hard as it flows down my cheek. I fight off Martha and the guard but I just couldn't get them off me.

"Jacky, no she is hurt ple...ase le..ave me ,jacky! I scream.

We reach the room and the guard shove me into the room that I almost fall down on my face if it wasn't for Martha. I felt down on my knees and look up towards the guard with tears in my eyes.

" You humans really don't know just how to back off", he growl at me leaving me stunned on the floor.

I sit down on the floor with Martha next to me looking very off and sad. My hair was out of the ponytail. I pull it back together and wipe my face with my hands sitting back till my back touches the sides of the bed. I bring my legs up towards my stomach and rest my head on my knees crying the pain out of my heart.

"I, I just Wan..ted to kn..ow if they have found her, I couldn't even speak to jacky, what's going on here? I cry still with my head on my knees.

I felt Martha shift next to me as she took my head and lay it down on her chest caressing with her fingers through my loose hair sighting near my ears.

"It's okay, it's okay, sssh it's okay, let them just cool down for a moment and then we will know and jacky will came here anyway and tell you if they have found her",she reassure me.

My lips trembling as I try to calm down taking few breaths. I put my arms around Martha and just letting her hold me close to her feeling her soft mother touch. I close my eyes feeling the warm tears rol down my cheeks inhaling her sweet rose scent comforting me.

"Thank you so much", I told her with my arms around her back and the other one at her front.

"It's okay darling", she said placing down a kiss on my head.

"Ahh I just wish this day was over already", I said moving out of her grip and wiping my face.

"If they didn't reach her in time,i.. I don't know what will happen", I heard Martha said next to me as I look at her not knowing what she meant by that.

I blink my eyes a few times looking at her feeling  sad to see her like this. She was also hurt and here I was crying like I'm the only one hurting.

"What do you mean? I ask her?

She sight bringing her head close to the bed and lay it down so that the back of her head touch the side of the bed where we sit down on the floor.

" Things are falling apart, everything seems so lost, like theres a dark cloud all around this castle, like someone has curse or put a badluck over this house"

"Since I have return things wasn't the same anymore as I have left it and now since the queen has been gone it feels more dark and darker in here. EVERYWHERE you go it feels like a dark shadow is following YOU", she said.

My mind was drifting away as I try to think if wat she just said made sense of what was going on. Is there something really happening in front of us that we not aware of.

I couldn't think of feeling like a dark shadow was following me but the only person for really scaeme was Joan because she is the only person who really had a dark shadow following her so it could be her. And I understand why she thinks that a dark shadow was following her because Brenda has placed it down like a  camera to watch all of us incase someone in here was knowing something.

I was about to reassure her why she was feeling that a darkshadow was following her when someone called my name.


Door of the room open and Jacky was standing there looking at me with her red eyes it was kind of scarry for me because it's the first time I thing that I ever see her eyes looking at me like that. But I lost focus about everything around me just looking at the beautiful creature standing in front of me. If she wasn't my Mate that I really don't know.

The way she made me feel is so amazing and scary at the time same time I really love this girl. She was the reason for my heart to beat so loud and I know she can hear it making me blush just thinking about that.

"Jac..k.y", I breathe out rising as fast as I can but she stop me feeling her pick me up and Hug me close to her chest. My breath was push oit from my lungs by how hard she was hugging me as I try to push away.

"U..h.. Uh ja..k...y...",

"I love you so much", she said., Her hold lighter around me giving me time to breathe feeling how my lungs relaxed. "We found her," she is back, your sister is back", she told me crying in my arms.

I hug her to this time and hard  not knowing what to do as I take in the news she just told me. I cry in arms,i didn't know what to do or what to feel tears were rolling down my face.

So many emotions were running through my mind but I'm so happy she is back she is back. I don't wanna think what she must going through right now or what she has been through al the time she wasn't with us.

Martha was the one bringing back out attention that we wasn't alone in the room but how hard she was crying thanking the gods above.

"Oh thank you God", she said all over again.

"Ah.. Mother Cathy, I need to see her", I said withdrawing myself out of Jacky's hold, "she must be with her right now, I also want to see her", I said and run towards the door but stop when she said something.

"No one is allowed to see her right now not even her parents", she told me.

I stop and turn my back to look at her but I couldn't I just need to see Cathy as I run out of the room.

"Chrissy wait...

My Vampire Teacher (Girlxgirl) Where stories live. Discover now