Part 15

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Do you know what happiness feels like? Everyone will give a different answer, depending on how they feel and experience it, depending on how the people around them react, judge and influence the way they think to the way they make decisions. Everything is interconnected with each other. This makes definitions so subjective, that sometimes absurd notions can also occur. Some people are able to feel happiness over other people's suffering, while there are those who find happiness in the midst of other people's happiness.

In fact, how one defines happiness is not important at all, because in the end that happiness fills the empty space in our hearts if we manage to get it from the right person, at the right time. Or we ourselves can just find that happiness in ourselves, if we pay more attention to ourselves and take more time to listen to our own thoughts . Happiness must start with us; only then can we beautify the whole world. Doesn't that make sense?

Winter squirmed and arched her tired body. Her bones sounded like they were broken one by one. The adrenaline rush in her body system since midnight and she used it to finish the game coding she's been working on. The work is done.

She then observed Karina's figure, who was fast asleep on her bed before deciding to slip into the blanket again beside her. Her spot was cold and she was shivering a little from the cold. She stretched out her arms slowly to hug Karina from behind. Karina shifted a little, but she still slept soundly.

Karina finally woke up when she felt her neck being kissed repeatedly. It was still too early to wake up but Winter had managed to wake her from her heavy drowsiness.

"Wake up, baby... my sleepyhead baby..."

"But it's still too early to get up..."

"I have a surprise for you so we need to get up now. Otherwise, you will miss the surprise."

No answer. Karina falls asleep again very soon. Winter laughed at herself. It's still dark outside because the sun is also not yet in business. She then decided to be more productive and got up to leave the bedroom. The house illuminated by dim light, felt very cold; suddenly a strange feeling pierced her heart. Uncontrollably, tears dripped down her cheeks and she quickly wiped them with the back of her palm. The loneliness can still be felt and has not gone far. It turned out that the loneliness was too deep, and she was squeezing herself in slowly.

"I miss you... I'm sorry..."

Yet when she remembered her promise to herself, Winter took a deep breath. She's strong. She should no longer cry. Giselle is home and now Karina is by her side. She must appreciate everything. She walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and took out some ingredients. In fact, for a long time she wanted to do the plan she wanted to do today. Opportunity has not sided with her to this day.

Her task was completed soon after. She glanced at the clock on the wall and was relieved that she still had time to wake the sleeping princess in her bed again. Before that, she held the tray in her hand carefully and climbed the stairs to the rooftop. After arranging and making sure everything was in the condition she wanted, she spread her arms and took a breath of fresh morning air. A smile was etched on her face. Happiness. She finally got it.

Winter felt like her heart was about to explode as she opened the bedroom door. She collided with Karina and their foreheads clashed causing them both to fall seated on the floor. They both laughed out loud, rubbing their sore foreheads. Winter checked Karina's forehead to make sure she was okay.

"Where are you from? I woke up and you weren't around." Said Karina with her cute pouting lips. She walked like a sulking toddler towards Winter as she spread her arms asking for a hug.

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