Part 1

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When Karina arrived, the smell of western-style food pierced her sense. She walked slowly into the relatively spacious living room, the dim blue light illuminating the corners decorated with all-white home furniture. She dropped her handbag and coat onto the couch before her long neck scanned, looking for someone.

"You are late."

Someone's husky voice suddenly echoed. A moment later, a girl appeared while holding two plates in her hand. She looked stunning in the dim light, even though she was only wearing shorts and a white t-shirt. A grayish apron that was hanging around her neck was immediately removed and folded.

"I'm sorry but suddenly something important came up. I didn't have time to tell you." Karina answered in a slightly trembling voice. She's still standing stiffly in her place. She couldn't yet see the girl's face clearly, even though she had tried her best.

"I'm amazed because you managed to solve the math problem I gave you to get my door pass code. Congratulations."

To be honest, Karina didn't know what kind of reaction she had to give for that compliment, so she laughed. The girl still hadn't looked at her, and now she's busy arranging the dishes and utensils on the table like she's going to serve an honorary guest.

"Do you really just want to stand there?"

This time, their eyes met. Karina choked on her own saliva before coughing lightly. Her eyes ... Those are the saddest eyes she has ever seen! She disappeared again into the kitchen. Soon, a mellow music filled the room and Winter came with two glasses while hugging a bottle of wine in her arms.

Karina let out a clumsy smile. Even though her heart was pounding so hard, she walked to the dining table and took a seat. A semi-cooked steak and salad served in front of her caused her to drool. She sniffed at the food and had to admit that in fact, she's starving.

The atmosphere at the dining table became even more interesting when Winter lit some candles. When sitting face to face like that, the two girls started to fight in their minds about so many things. Karina rubbed both of her palms over her thighs to relieve her nervousness. She had never felt that way before, even though this was not the first time she had met acquaintances from her social media.

"I hope this wine tastes good." Winter chuckled and started to turn the bottle in a circular motion, cutting the foil open with a small serrated blade. She then poured the wine into their glasses until it was almost half full. The pair reached for their glasses at the same time. When Winter swirls and sniffs her wine, Karina imitates her actions. They both chuckled before sipping their wine slowly.

"This wine really tastes good. Thank you..."

"I hope I don't make you feel like I'm overdoing it .. I mean, this candlelight dinner and this wine ..."

"No, no... everything is just fine and I like it. I appreciate your efforts. And... can we eat now? Cause I'm super hungry." Said Karina, shamelessly.

They both ate quietly, accompanied by the sound of knives and forks colliding with their plates. Karina deliberately controlled the dexterity of her hand cutting the delicious meat so that she didn't look like she was too hungry. She's indeed starving!

She skipped lunch today because she had to complete all her tasks. She was planning to take a few days off, and Lucas took the opportunity to pile up some account files on her desk. She cursed at her boss in silence before opening the files one by one and doing her job as fast as she could.

A sudden embarrassment hit her consciousness. She came empty-handed after not fulfilling her promise to come before 3pm When she arrived, it was already 8.30 pm. Now she watched Winter who was eating calmly, the way she cut the meat into small pieces before putting it in her mouth, the way she chewed it while closing her eyes to enjoy every drop of the meat juice... She looked charming.

Realizing she's being watched, Winter raised her head to oppose Karina's gaze. Karina didn't look away; instead she smiled wryly and continued to chew the food in her mouth.

"What? Is there something on my face?"

"Yes. Your face lack of something."

Winter frowned and stopped eating. She was stunned while the girl in front of her just grinned.

"I'm talking about your smile, silly. Nothing serious."

They both laughed awkwardly. Winter really didn't know how to react to the joke, so she smiled. Her tired eyes caught Karina's attention. Her eyes seemed to hide too much grief and sorrow. Karina wanted to ask a lot of questions, but she didn't think that's the right time.

"Did you come here straight from your work place?"

"Yes. I have some tasks that need to be done immediately and that's why I'm late. Forgive me for making you wait."

"It's okay ... well, are you staying tonight?"

The question was too straightforward, and Karina choked as she chuckled over it. She placed her knife and fork on the edge of the plate and reached for her glass to chunk off the rest of her wine. Without being asked, Winter quickly poured the wine again until the glass was half full.

For a moment, they both stared at each other. Early on, Karina agreed to spend the night with Winter and try to help her fall asleep as well as possible. From their conversations on Instagram over the past 3 weeks, Winter told that she has trouble sleeping at night since she lived alone.

"As long as you have extra pajamas and you don't mind... I'll stay."

After chatting about various things, they decided to end the dinner. Karina helps Winter tidy up the dining table and brings the used dishes to the sink. As expected, they argued about who would wash the dishes. Winter had to push Karina into the living room so she could sit and relax on her soft couch.

"You don't have to treat me this well. you know?"

"No, baby. Just stay here."

"What did you just called me?"

Winter bit her own tongue. She realized that she had picked the wrong word and was embarrassing herself. It was out of her control because she was used to it.

"Nothing. I'll do the dishes."

Karina laughed in silence, very sure that she heard her clearly. Baby. She called me baby!

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