"It's coming over" Dec beamed as he trod water carefully,determined not to scare the beautiful creature away.

"Oh wow" Ant grinned,as the dolphin swam even nearer "hello there,aren't you beautiful?"

"It really is" Dec replied happily.

"Is it ok to touch it?" Dec looked up at Andy hopefully.

"Yeah,go ahead" Andy smiled "it'll soon swim away if it doesn't like it"

"Hello,there mister dolphin" Dec said childishly as he rubbed it's nose "how are you today?"

Andy snapped away with the boys mobile phones that they had left him in charge of,taking loads of pictures for Ant and Decs special keepsakes,as they frolicked happily in the ocean.

"I guess I'd better think about getting you back then hadn't I?" Andy suggested as Ant and Dec climbed back on board the boat "don't want to be in trouble with your other halves"

"Yeah" Dec laughed "don't want to feel their wrath after such a fantastic day"

"They're planning to do this too" Ant smiled "in a couple of weeks time"

"Ah,great" Andy replied "give us a call if you like and I'll be happy to take them out too"

"Brilliant" Ant grinned "I'll do that,I'd definitely recommend you as a guide"

Andy had in fact turned out to be great company and the boys had enjoyed a real fun filled day with him,he also had an amazing knowledge of dolphins and sea life,which he was only too keen to share.

"Let's get back then" Andy smiled,as he rubbed his left arm.

"You ok there Andy?" Dec asked concerned "did you hurt your arm?"

"Not sure" Andy replied "just aches a bit"

He was actually lying through his teeth and in considerable pain,but he didn't want to worry the boys,although it would be impossible not to,as Ant and Dec were becoming increasingly alarmed by Andys appearance.

He was sweating profusely and now clutching his chest.

"Andy,what is it?" Dec asked in a distressed manner.

Andy suddenly dropped to the floor of the boat and lay there still and silent.

"ANDY" Dec screamed out in horror "Ant what's wrong with him?"

"I think he's having a heart attack" Ant announced desperately.

"Do something Ant" Dec cried "give him CPR or something"

"I don't know how to Decs" Ant shook his head despairingly "do you?"

"No" Dec replied "but we have to at least try,we've seen it on telly"

So they did their best to bring their unfortunate guide back to life,but after what seemed like hours of trying,which in reality was only a few minutes,they had to admit defeat.

"He's dead Dec" Ant stated sadly,as he felt Andys neck for a pulse.

"No,don't say that" Dec begged through his tears "he can't be,we've got to try something else...our phones,I'll call the emergency services"

Dec fished his phone out from his beach bag where Andy had placed it and held it up towards the sunlight.

"No fucking signal" he announced "I don't believe it"

"Of course there's no signal Decs" Ant sighed "we're out at sea"

"What are we going to do now?" Dec asked,with rising panic in his voice.

Ant got up from kneeling beside Andys lifeless body,sensing that Dec was about to have a complete meltdown.

"Come on Decs" he said calmly "I know this is a bloody awful situation that no one could have foreseen,but you have to hold it together ok?"

"HOLD IT TOGETHER" Dec shouted "we're in a boat with a dead body for Gods sake,how exactly am I supposed to hold it together?"

"Just do your best" Ant sighed,as he took his t-shirt off and laid it gently over Andys face.

"What are we going to do?" Dec sobbed.

"We'll just have to make our own way back" Ant smiled reassuringly "this thing can't be that hard to pilot"

"Know the way do you?" Dec asked "it took us around two hours to get out here"

"Well" Ant shrugged "we'll just keep going until we see land.Even if it's not exactly where we started,we can find our way back from wherever it is"

"Wish I had your confidence" Dec sighed.

"It'll be fine Decs" Ant smiled "you'll see"

"Not for Andy it won't" Dec mumbled.

"No,it won't" Ant agreed "but we need to be respectful and deliver him back to his loved ones as soon as possible"

"Can't believe this is happening" Dec exclaimed.

"I know kidda" Ant smiled sympathetically,always ready to take on his caring,protective role towards Dec as he always did,no matter how dire the situation was "let's get going then shall we?"

Dec suddenly fell backwards onto the deck as Ant fiddled with the boat controls and it lurched into life.

"Sorry" he muttered.

"Which way do we go?" Dec asked confused,as he sat down on the seat next to Ant "there's nothing but ocean all around us"

"I guess we just go back the way we came" Ant shrugged.

"Yeah,like it's gonna be that simple" Dec moaned.

"Do you want to do it?" Ant snapped "complaining all the time isn't going to help the situation is it?"

"Sorry" Dec mumbled.

Ant soon got a feel for the boat and it's controls and headed off towards where he hoped land would soon come into sight.

"Umm...Ant" Dec muttered a good while later.

"What?" Ant retorted,pretty sure he knew exactly what Dec was thinking.

"We've been going for at least a couple of hours now" Dec stated "it's beginning to get dark and there's still no sign of land anywhere"

"I know" Ant sighed "try your phone again.If there's a signal,we've got to be close to land"

"Nope" Dec replied glumly,as he waved his mobile phone in the air,desperately trying to get even a slight connection "what are we going to do?"

"Just keep going I guess" Ant replied "and hope for the best"

"Great plan" Dec snapped sarcastically.

"Dec,calm down will you?" Ant sighed "When we don't arrive back at the expected time,a search party will be sent out for us,we're not gonna die out here"

"We might" Dec frowned "bet that's what Andy thought!How will they even know where to look?"

"Yeah,maybe we should have stayed put" Ant mused "then they would have an idea where to start the search,assuming Andy always goes to the same spot,someone would know what route he usually takes"

"Oh bloody great" Dec moaned "so now no one knows where to start looking for us?"

Ant decided to ignore Decs complaining,as they both just looked out to what seemed like endless ocean from every angle.

If it hadn't been for Andys untimely death,Ant would have thought being stranded out at sea for a little while would be quite an adventure.

He still wasn't particularly worried though.

He knew that even if it took a few hours,they'd be found eventually.

Or would they?

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