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Next day

Katherine P.O.V
Damon and I were pretty pissed about last night. We walked down to my basement. I said good morning killers! I walked over to Taylor's cell. Taylor said what did you do to us? I said I want to have a talk. Taylor said Doug are you awake? Doug said yeah. Doug said where's Jared and what did you do to him?! I said oh nothing. I don't want to hurt him. Y'all on the other hand I don't mind. Consider this a warning. If you don't leave me alone and stay out of my business I will turn you into the one thing you hate the most, vampires. Damon said now I'd like an apology. Doug said go to hell. I opened Doug's cage and said Damon would you like some breakfast. Taylor screamed NO! Damon walked in grabbed his head. I said would you like to apologize now. Doug said we're sorry. Damon said good now get this through your heads. From this day on you are done vampire hunting. I said got it. Damon let go of Doug. They were quite. I said got it! They said yes ma'am. I said good. I opened Taylor's. They looked scared. I said oh and don't even think about telling Jared about me. Because if you do I will kill you and believe me I will make it as painful as possible, now leave! They ran out. We walked back upstairs. Stefan said what did you do to them? I said they won't be bothering me anymore. Elena said what did you do to them? I said we scared them? There was a knock on my door. I opened it and seen Grey. He was covered in blood and was crying. I pulled him in and said what did you do! He couldn't stop crying. I slapped him. Damon said Katherine calm down. I said shut up. I looked at Grey and said what did you do? Grey said my aunt was making breakfast, she cut her hand by accident and I killed her. He couldn't stop crying. I said stop crying. He said I can't I just killed my aunt. I said Jesus Christ. I broke his neck, took off his ring and threw him outside. I locked the door. He screamed. Elena said Katherine! He stopped screaming. Damon said Katherine! You just killed an innocent kid! I said why did Klaus have to kill Jax? Jax was cool and didn't flip out when he killed someone. Stefan said it was his aunt! I said okay ripper your first victim was your father and I never seen you cry about it. Elena said wow still the same Katherine. I said I never said I changed. Get out of my house! Thanks for the help Damon but I can take care of myself. Stefan said I hope someone kills you Katherine. I said like I care what you think, bye. The left. I put Jax's ring on my mantle and laid on my couch....

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