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Katherine P.O.V
I walked in my house and said we have to get rid of everything that could indicate I'm a vampire. Damon said why? I said because Jared's parents think I killed Devin and they called the cops. I know they're gonna search my house and I don't want them to find a freezer full of blood. So let's get the blood out of my house now. Elena said where's the blood. I have a deep freezer in my basement. Stefan said okay. We went to my basement and we bagged up the blood. Damon said Stefan you and Elena take the blood and go somewhere that isn't here. Elena said why us? I said because y'all will crack under pressure now leave. They took the blood to the car and left. Damon said alright let's go to the living room. We went back upstairs. I said so what do we do? Damon said nothing. I said what's you do with the body? Damon poured a drink and said burned it until it was ash. So there's no way they'd ever find a body. He took a drink and said so did you compel your boyfriend? I said yes and he should be falling in love with me. We laid on the couch. Damon said so what's the plan? I said have someone send him a picture of us making out or having sex. Damon said that's hot. I laughed and said I know. There was a knock on my door. Damon said allow me. Damon opened it and said how may I help you? The cop said is Katherine Pierce here. I walked over. The cops were there along with Jared's parents. Taylor said so you're cheating on my son. Damon said no, I'm just staying with her for a week or 2. Jared's dad said why? Damon said that's really none of your concern. An officer said why are you here? Damon said me and my girlfriend are going through some trouble back home and Katherine's letting me crash at her place for a while. The cop said when did you get in? Damon said last night. I said why are y'all here? A cops said were investigating a murder. I said who was murdered? The other cop said we don't know if he was murdered yet. We don't have a body. Taylor said my brother was murdered. Damon said why are you so confident in it if you don't have a body? Taylor said my brother wouldn't leave without saying goodbye. Damon said I left my brother for 5 years and never said goodbye. Believe me it's possible. I said look I don't know what happened to Devin. But you are more then welcome to come inside and look around. They walked in. Jared's parents stared at me. They searched my house.

30 minutes later
They finished. The detective said it's clean. There's nothing that indicates that Devin was here. Damon said great now get out. Taylor said I know you had something to do with this. I said I swear on my entire dead family's graves I didn't touch Devin. The other cop said your whole families dead. I said yep. Jared's dad said how'd they die? I said they were all murdered. So screw you for thinking I have anything to do with Devin's disappearance. Now get out of my house. I hugged Damon and started crying. Damon hugged me and said y'all should leave. He said it's okay. My door closed. Damon said 3...2...1 and they're gone. I let go and said do you think they bought it? Damon said absolutely. Damon's phone rang.

Damon: yeah

Damon: you can come back

Damon: alright

Hung up
Damon said they'll be back in 30 minutes. I said alright, let's call Jared. Damon said the boyfriend. I called him. (Speaker)

Me: hey your parents are insane.

Jared: I know I'm so sorry

Me: do you honestly think I have the heart to kill someone?

Damon mouthed yeah.

Jared: no you're to kind hearted

Damon laughed

Jared: who was that?

Me: you remember the group of people who were at my door last night?

Jared: yeah

Me: it was Damon and his friends

Damon: hey

Jared: hi

Me: anyways please tell your parents to leave me alone.

Jared: I will

Me: okay thank you

Jared: you're welcome

Me: I have to go

Jared: bye

Me: bye

Hung up
Damon said still the same manipulative, vindictive, evil Katherine. I said do you honestly think I'll ever change? Damon said not at all. Let me ask you something. I said yeah. Damon said do you actually like this guy? I said not at all. Damon said so what are you going to do after you break his heart? I said watch him be miserable and teach him not to mess with me. Damon said I say you turn him into a vampire. I said why? Damon said an eternity of torture. I said that does sound fun. Damon said I just thought of something. I said what? Damon said Devin was a vampire hunter. I wonder if anybody else in that family is a hunter. I said I don't know but I'm going to find out. Damon said yeah do that. I texted Jared.

Me: do you wanna for a walk?

Jared: sure meet in the park in 15

I said well I'm gonna go find out. Damon said have fun. I left and went to the park....

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