Chapter 23: Flying High

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Sawyer noticed the grin coming to her face. "So how about it, Bonnie?" he said, laughing as he looked off in the direction of Dewford Town, where the gym was waiting. "Your gym battle's close. Feel like you're ready?"

"Zzt! By my calculations-" Rotom started to say, before Bonnie grabbed him angrily.

"I don't need to hear about-"

"Zzt! Let me finish!" Rotom snapped back. "By my calculations. Pokemon Trainer Bonnie has approximately a seventy three point eight percent chance of earning the Dewford Gym Badge."

Bonnie stared at the PokeDex in shock. Her friends were doing so as well. "What? You think I'll win?" She let him go, continuing to stare at him in surprise.

Once he was free, though, Rotom had a smiley face appear on his screen."Zzt! I never said how many times it might take!"

Bonnie just shook her head and laughed with the others. No matter what, that win would come today. She felt ready, and she knew her Pokemon were as strong as ever. Whatever Brawly threw her way, she would have an answer.

"Let's go win that badge!"

Bonnie was feeling as refreshed as her Pokemon after their Pokemon Centre checkup. She stared up at the sign on the archway out front of Brawly's gym, and she sighed in contentment, knowing that the time had finally come to take on the fighting type leader and try for her second badge. She knew that few things could compare to winning her first badge, but there was definitely something special about taking the lessons from that win and moving forward with them to win further badges. Today, she intended to do just that.

"This is really exciting!" Sawyer said from behind her, stepping forward to look at the gym with her. "I haven't watched a gym battle since Ash's Snowbelle match. And it's the first real chance I get to see you battle. You know...without Team Archaic maniacs distracting me."

Bonnie felt a little nervous about that, but she managed to smile at the comment. It would be good to have Sawyer there to see her battle. Even though Ash had beaten him in the Kalos League, Sawyer's ability to analyze battle styles and find their strengths and weaknesses was tough to match. He would be able to give Bonnie some good pointers no matter what happened in this match.

"Have you decided which Pokemon you're going to use?" Clyde asked, joining them as he and Roxanne caught up. Bonnie had, of course, run ahead once the gym was in sight.

"That's a secret," Bonnie said, winking at Dedenne, who smiled knowingly from her shoulder.

Clyde frowned, looking a little frustrated, but Rotom floated down in front of them a moment later, perfectly willing to predict who Bonnie would use. "Zzt! Considering Bonnie has three Pokemon that are ideal matchups for Gym Leader Brawly, but only De-"

Bonnie was about to grab Rotom to get him to stop, but at that moment, the front doors of the gym opened up, and Shauna and Brawly emerged. Shauna quickly rushed forward to greet the group, while Brawly went over a little more slowly, looking as though he was embracing the bright sun. Bonnie could see the excited gleam in his eyes, though.

"Bonnie! I'm so excited for the battle! Are you ready?" Shauna asked, grinning as she stopped in front of the group.

Bonnie nodded, pumping her fist confidently. "You bet! We've got some really powerful moves prepared for Brawly!"

Shauna smirked, glancing back at Brawly. "I hope you have a few of those moves saved for me."

"Of course!" Bonnie said. "We'll battle again before we leave Dewford."

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