Chapter Twenty-Two: Wish

Start from the beginning

"Bdubs," Beef said. "Are there any more of you who'd like to conveniently pop out of no where?"

"Nope!" Bdubs responded, getting up and dusting himself off, as if it helped his case.

"Well, this is Xay, Hels," Beef pointed as he recited their names. "Impulse, Grian, Iskall, and Xisuma!" Greetings were exchanged, swift but friendly.

"Do they have communicators?" Ren asked.

"Not yet, but I'll get it done," Etho said dismissively. "And ones for Zed and Tango too."

"Communicators?" Xisuma echoed.

"They're, well, communication devices!" Ren explained. "Each one is, I don't know, coded, to be able to send messages under your name."

"And they have a symbol that represents your magic engraved in them," Wels added, holding his up to demonstrate. There was a water droplet on his.

Ren also held his up, and there was the face of a dog.

Doc had a creeper face.

Mumbo had a bunch of wires and gadgets.

And Bdubs had... well, Xay wasn't quite sure what it was.

"Powers?" Wels asked.

"Fire," Hels offered.

"Fire," Xay chimed in.

"Part blaze or something," Tango laughed.

"Ice," Iskall added.

"Electricity," Impulse piped up.

"Void," Xisuma mumbled, earning an eyebrow raise from Doc.

They kept going around until everyone was clear.

"Hey, Bdubs?" Xay asked. "What's your power? I can't tell from the symbol."

Suddenly, Bdubs looked scared.

"Uh- you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Xay tried at his sudden expression change.

"I have the power to channel emotions from myself to others,"


"What?" Xay whispered.

"If I feel a lot of pain," Bdubs added, his voice hushed. I can just transfer it to someone else. I won't feel any more pain, but they'll be in just as much pain as I was. And it doesn't work nearly as well for positive emotions." he shuddered, and Xay felt like doing the same.

"Oh..." was all he could think to say.

There was a thick, tension-filled silence after that.

"Well, we should get you guys building," Etho cut through the awkwardness.

"And show you around," Beef added.

Xay smiled.

I think I'm going to like it here.

It had been a couple of weeks since they came.

Xay started becoming more and more comfortable around the Hermits.

It was oddly enlightening, being surrounded by other magic-wielding people.

You learned something new from someone every day.

Building was also ridiculously fun, and Xay was proud of his base.

Living with the Hermits felt right.

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