Chapter Ten: Breakdown

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I literally woke up less than half an hour ago, why is the first thing I do Wattpad-

Warnings --->

WC: ~1000


"Are you okay?!" a voice shrieked.

"He's fine," another assured the first.

"I didn't mean to electrocute him!" the first voice cried.

"Yes, and I didn't mean to set him on fire," the second grumbled. "But he's perfectly fine."

"Yeah, but-"

"And you disabled the literal refrigerator he's kept in, so I'd say it's fine," the first voice cut him off, and then Xay recognized him.


And... Impulse?

They're... rescuing me?

"Xay, can you hear me?" Impulse asked, and Xay blinked open his eyes, which he hadn't realized were closed, to a very worried face.

"I'm fine," Xay promised, somehow finding words. "W-what's going on?"

"Iskall and Grian are distracting everyone," Impulse said in a rush. "And Hels and I are, well, rescuing you!"

"Let's go," Hels said briskly. "Before we get in a worse situation than we're already in."

Xay glanced at the band on his hand, only to be startled when he discovered that it wasn't there.

'Set him on fire'


Hels ran a hand through his hair as Impulse helped Xay up.

"Seven years," Hels spat. "Seven blazing years, and never have we had to do anything as ludicrous as this." Xay winced.

"Okay, I'm sorry," he mumbled. "I was an idiot, and I should've liste-"

"Apology later!" Iskall's voice rang out unexpectedly, and Xay turned towards the glass to see him blasting ice at a target that was out of view. Or, where the glass had been. Looks like Hels had a field day with that one. "Escape now!"

"Do we have to?" A parrot swooped down and changed into a winged Grian upon landing. "I've never felt better!"

"Agreed!" Iskall said with a laugh. "It's like having swam upstream all your life, only to finally be able to follow the current."

"We can't stay," Hels argued. "As much as I'd like to see you all go nuts, this really isn't the time or place." Impulse nodded, and Xay, Hels, and him followed Grian and Iskall to the exit.

As they were dashing past the chaos, Xay felt a hand clasped around his that pulled him back.

Xay jerked his hand away, the friction lighting his hand on fire. He smothered it with his other hand, crushing the flames.

The other person pulled out a pair of handcuffs and tried to grab Xay again, but was thrown aside by a bolt of electricity.

Impulse dashed over and advanced on the person, lightning sparking off of him.

And then people dashed over from the sides and grabbed Impulse,

"Let go of me!" Impulse shrieked as they bound his hands. He struggled against them, but was no match for them. Hels spun around and snapped his fingers, holding the flame dangerously close to a flammable part of the building.

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