Chapter One: Missing

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Welcome to the first chapter! The reason this chapter is called "Missing" is because, well, that's the chapter name. Woo.

Warnings are implied kidnapping and mild panic attack.

WC: ~1160


"The Missing".

If you lived in a normal society, then the phrase wouldn't be too familiar.

Perhaps you've heard it once or twice.

Maybe in some sort of special case.

A fantasy.

However, "The Missing" was a common thing to hear for Xay.

All over the town were printed posters of teenagers. Faces Xay had never seen. From his town, one of the most commonly seen ones was a boy with short brown hair, a black shirt with a yellow 'i' on it, and a grin on his face. Another one was another boy with a red sweater, messy blonde hair, and vibrant purple eyes.The last one that Xay saw all the time was a guy with dark hair, a green sweatshirt, and only one eye.

Xay didn't know any of them.

But they all had one thing in common.

They were "The Missing".

Well, technically they were just missing.


There one day, vanished the next.

And the ones who had vanished had been nicknamed "The Missing".

It sent chills down Xay's spine.

But that wasn't the only abnormal thing about Xay's life.

The most abnormal thing in Xay's life...

Was himself.

Everyone knew Xay liked fire.

Not in a creepy way, but rather an 'I find flames calming' way.

That was supposed to be the only layer to his odd interest.

Complete control over fire shouldn't have been involved.

And yet...

Here he was.

Able to draw heat from the air to himself with a bit of friction.

Or, rather, snapping his fingers to generate fire.

It wasn't normal, to put it bluntly.

Xay never considered his magic to be a blessing, but rather a curse.

A fiery curse.

A secret that was kept between himself and himself.

No one knew.

Not even Xisuma, his twin brother.

And Xay planned to keep it that way.

That was how Xay's life was for the longest time.

Keep his secret, well, secret, and try not to vanish off the face of the planet.

All that while not failing miserably at everything else.

"Don't you have a test today?" Xisuma asked as they walked to school. Xay sighed.


His brother, yet the complete opposite of him.

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