Chapter Seventeen: Broken

509 39 141

Chapter title- this is fine.

Warnings --->

WC: ~1100



It was just a sound.

A fallen tree.

That tree fell on top of one of the biggest parts of Iskall's world.

Hels, Hels, Hels.

Xay screamed beside him, but Iskall was frozen, completely still.

Unable to process.

Hels, Hels, Hels.

Iskall felt his body move towards the tree. He felt Xay's hand wrap around his arm, trying to keep him back.

Iskall felt all these things happen, but internally, he was frozen.

Hels, Hels, Hels.

"Iskall, we have to go," Xay's voice was broken from tears, shattered.

Iskall didn't want to leave him.

Hels, Hels, Hels.

"No," Iskall's voice was soft, but emotionless.


A husk.

Just like he was.

Hels, Hels, Hels.

"Iskall, the smoke," Xay tried again, tugging lightly at his arm. "Please-"

"NO!" Iskall screamed, tears and emotions finally crashing down, breaking the dam. He couldn't wouldn't-


"STOP," he shouted. "IT'S YOUR FAULT. HE- he died... because of you."

The small, logical part of Iskall's head knew he was being stupid.

He couldn't have cared less.

Xay's heartbroken expression went unnoticed in that moment.

"Iskall, we have to get out of here," Xay's voice was firm, but still tear-ridden.

"What if he's still alive?" Iskall asked. "What if-"

"Iskall, he's gone," Xay practically spat, then clapped a hand over his mouth in horror.

Iskall didn't protest from there.

He felt the emotion leaving him once again, feeling everything go numb.



When they made it to the portal, Impulse's warm arms wrapping around him went unnoticed.

"Are you three okay?" Impulse's voice held a new innocence for Iskall. It was worried and relieved but not numb, because Impulse didn't know.


"Impulse- I-"


"W-wait- where's-"



Impulse felt like his world was shattering around him.

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