Chapter Twenty: Refresh

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Yay chapter woo I literally just woke up I'm too tired to think of anything to say here-

Warnings --->

WC: ~1200


A beat of silence.

"What?" Grian finally asked.

"Welcome to Hermitcraft!" Etho repeated, drawing a small sigh from Hels.

"That explains nothing," he grumbled. "What is Hermitcraft?!"

"It's a server," Etho said unhelpfully. "That we are on."

"And a server is...?" Xay prompted him.

"Alternate dimension," Etho said bluntly. "Escape from reality, I suppose you could say."

"That still isn't very helpful," Impulse muttered. Etho sighed.

"This is a server," he tried again. "A server is an alternate dimension that is very different from the dimension everyone is from, otherwise known as reality. This server is called Hermitcraft."

"Different how?" Iskall asked.

"One difference is that you don't die," Etho offered. "Well, maybe of old age, I don't know. But nature can't kill you! You just respawn." The last word drew a shudder from Hels.

"Respawning is not fun," he mumbled. Etho arched an eyebrow.

"You've respawned? In reality?"

"Yes," Hels's voice sounded forced. "And it was probably the worst experience ever."

"Well... it's different here," Etho said with a laugh. "Dying hurts, but respawning is fine. And dying doesn't even hurt as much as it does in reality."

"Oh... that's good," Hels murmured. "Any other differences?"

"Many other differences," Etho said with a snicker. "For one, inventory. And resource mechanics. And building. This place is... quite something."

"If you've been here for such a short amount of time, how do you know so much about it?" Hels challenged.

"I was told about it prior to coming," Etho explained. "Servers are ridiculously complex at first, but the more you live, the more you get it."

Etho then launched into the explanation of how everything worked, and the nine of them talked until the moon was starting to rise.

"We should probably sleep," Hels mumbled, looking up.

"Oh," Etho murmured. "Oh no."

"What?" Xay asked. "So we're up past our bedtimes, it's fine!" His comment drew a laugh from everyone except Etho.

Etho was frantically opening up his inventory.

"I don't have any torches!" he cried.

"Torches?" Iskall laughed. "Etho, what are you on about?"

But before he could say any more, he was cut off by a growl.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Zedaph screamed as a figure swiped at him. Suddenly, it flew backwards, and Zedaph's violet eyes glowed brightly. Telekinesis.

"I forgot mobs spawn at night!" Etho shrieked.

At this point, everyone was on edge, fearfully scanning the area.

"Mobs?!" Hels asked, drawing his sword.

"Animals," Etho corrected himself. "And monsters. Things like that. You've seen some- blazes, ghasts, things like that. But zombies, skeletons, endermen, spiders-"

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