XVI: Imagine

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XVI: Imagine

Third POV
*Mature Content Ahead*
It was still the same day, only the late afternoon when Katsuki had woken up, feeling refreshed from that oh so pleasurable moment that happened a few hours ago.

He shifted to his right, taking in the view of Izuku who was still fast asleep.

His breaths were light and quick, with the blanket covering his nude body moving up and down slightly, as the sunshine from the slightly opened curtained windows gave him an orange-y glow.

His formerly flawless pale skin was covered with light red bite marks and now developed hickies; his eyes seemed to have a red ring around them from the tears as his lips were puffy and swollen.

But even so, he still radiated perfection to Katsuki. His mind swirled with chaos and confusion wondering how someone with a body like that had a supposed fucked up mind like his.

Though he had to admit, he wasn't all that sane either, after all, what 15 year old starts thinking about taking people down and having domination globally?

Wanting to inject fear into people's hearts to understand what would happen long term? No one but him, until now at least.

Now? A random boy whose life was most likely supposed to end the moment he was kidnapped, then turned to possession to see how long it'd take to break him, but instead here he was making Katsuki feel some type of way.

Was it love? Was it fascination? He couldn't have known now, it was still too soon, but what he did know is that he didn't want to get rid of, no, lose Izuku.

It was irrational to think like this, a boy whom he'd never met before and could've had every reason to call the police on you, you wanted to keep around.

It was settled, He wanted to keep this possession all for himself- no outside force trying to stop them, it was just gonna be them and nothing else.

But that didn't mean that this was a one-sided feeling, Although still, asleep Izuku's mind ran on after their little lovemaking.

He wasn't in love with Katsuki and it hadn't even been a full week for them to even describe it but there was something about him that made him feel weird inside.

And it wasn't in a bad way... More as if he wanted to stay by his side, and continue living like this, living this irrational life of his.

Why? Well because maybe Katsuki would know what it was like when an outside force came into your life making a role for itself without you even acknowledging it.

He felt Katsuki taking on that role, the more and more they had contact with each other- and soon enough it'd get to the point where trying to forget or get rid of one another would be impossible.

. . . Evening Time . . .

That's when Izuku finally woke up, as he was all alone in a dark room, the only light coming from the bottom and side cracks of the doorway.

His body felt sore; hurting with every slight move he took, not even wanting to discuss down there, meanwhile, his eyes began to adjust to the dark setting, only wondering where Katsuki was, because what was in his place was a bag of clothes addressed to him:

𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧            ||𝐊.𝐁 & 𝐈.𝐌||Where stories live. Discover now