Part 3

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Sorry about not postinggg schools super overwhelming, idk why but my teachers are all assigning projects right before spring break, they think its okay to fricking cram a ton of cp in our brains right before a break like we are all going to forget over spring break dummies, anyways here is the chapter


Bakugo POV

My dumb ass parents never let me go outside so today I decided to sneak out and go explore because fuck my parents, they only care about ruling and not their own son. I put my hood up to be sure no one would recognize me and kept my head down, once I was out of the way of other people I kept my hood on but put my head up and continued towards the forest. There were two forests near this town one in the back of the town that is thicker with many more trees, the other is a forest with less trees, you could actually see the sky while walking through it in the other one.Today I wanted to go to the back one though, I thought it would be way cooler than the baby forest for people who get lost easily. I walked into the dim forest confidently, I'm so awesome I'll go in by myself and get out by myself! I walked through the forest for like 30 minutes I look around and well fuck, I MIGHT be lost. I thought I would be able to just turn around and go backwards on the path but the paths gone?! Where the fuck did the path go?! I DIDN'T WALK OFF THE PATH HOW DID I GET LOST LIKE AN IDIOT. I began pacing thinking about what I should then I thought of something, I could climb a tree and see if I can see where I am! It was a dumb idea but its the only one I got. I began climbing the tree, higher and higher. Tch, this is so easy, dunno why I thought this idea was dumb. I heard a giggling in the forest somewhere, "Who's fuckin there, I heard you dumb ass" I said annoyed, then I continued to climb, higher and higher. I looked around as I was climbing to double check to see if the giggler was still spying but it was too dim to see much. How long had I been in this fucking forest? It was darker than before, thats strange.  Oh fuck don't tell me its already night? Shit. Imma get in trouble. I continued climbing branch by branch till I grabbed onto one and the mother fucker snapped sending me tumbling down towards the ground. Well fuck, I'm screwed. I accepted the fact I was about to be seriously injured because what else was I supposed to do? As I got closer to the ground I heard a loud rustling noise then something leaped out and grabbed me? I don't want a rando touching me even if they did prevent me from falling, I looked up at them to yell at them and it was a dragon? What the fuck. "WHO ARE yOU?!" I asked with annoyance, that's when the weak branch that snapped clocked me on the head. Last thing I saw was the dragon... become a fuckin person?!

Dragon POV

I saved him I guess but he still got knocked unconscious! So unmanly of me to let him get hurt! I can't believe myself! I sighed then checked him out, he seems fine just passed out. I scooped him up and began flapping my wings to fly away, I was in my half dragon half human form so I could hold him and not have to worry about him slipping off my back. I started a fire in the center of my cave and decided to wait for the morning which shouldn't be too long from now, then go get the human some food and water in the morning for when he arises. Once morning hit I grabbed all of the stuff for the human then rushed back hoping he wasn't awake trying to leave already. I got back and it looked like the human had just woken up, this human has an energy of anger emanating from it normally but right now it seems fine so this leads me to conclude he is in a daze and has just woken up. "Hello human! You're finally awake!" I said walking in with the stuff for it. I placed the rabbit I had killed in front of him along with some berries I had found in some bushes which of course I made sure weren't poisonous before offering them to him. I collected some water from a nearby stream in some moss, he would have to lick it up but if hes thirsty he'll do it. The human backed away from me and the anger in his demeanor came back, it was a bit threatening but I knew he couldn't do anything to me. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" The human growled. "Me? I'm Kirishima, the not so manly dragon. Sorry I couldn't save you from that stick that fell dude, I tried?" I said scratching the back of my head in shame. "Tch, doesn't matter, now just let me go so I can get back to my castle." He grumbled in a grumpy tone. "Oooh grouchy eh? Well I guess you could go... but you sure you dont wanna stay a bit? Just have some water or food?" I said motioning towards my offerings. "Haha Im not that fucking dumb you piece of shit." He chuckled. "I know you probably poisoned them, plus I don't eat rabbits with the fur, thats gross" He said beginning to walk away. "I didn't poison them but can you just stay for a while? I don't get many visitors, even the animals avoid me because well I eat most of um" I said shuffling my claws. "I'm not staying here with a strange dragon thing! I have to get back." He shouted not looking back. I sighed, "Alright then, take care I guess..." I began dragging my feet back inside my cave. My lonely lonely cave. "Ugh, You can come I guess BUT AFTERWARDS YOU HAVE TO LEAVE ME ALONE!" The human yelled in annoyance. I whipped around and ran to the humans side. "You mean it??!" I said excitedly. "Yes now shut up before I change my mind" He mumbled. I followed him through the forest, though he wasn't going towards the town, hopefully he knew that. I flew up down left and right to have something to do as we walked, I decided to begin to ask the human questions so we would both have something to do. "Hey human, whats your name? You never told me." I asked while flying back down to the ground to walk with him. "Its Bakugo. The prince of this worthless town we're going to" he growled angrily. "Why are you always angry Bakugo?" I asked him. "Because I can be dumb dragon." he scowled at me. "Jeez touchy touchy" I said backing away. We walked a bit longer then decided to point out the fact we were going in the wrong direction. "Hey Bakugo, you know this isn't the way towards town, right?" I pointed out. He whipped his head at me then snapped "well then where is it smart-ass?!" I scooped him up and flew upwards "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" he yelled looking up at me with the angriest face I had ever seen. "Showing you that this way goes deeper into the forest and this way is the way to your precious castle." I said calmly pointing towards the town. "Tch, lucky guess. Just get me back there asap! I dont wanna get into trouble." He growled grouchily. I mouthed him and made an angry face to mock him which unfortunately he saw and blew up at me. It was fun hanging out with Bakugo though, and as long as I watch out for dragon hunters I should be able to come visit him everyday, right? "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING AND PAY ATTENTION SHITTY SCALES YOU ALMOST CRASHED ME INTO A FUCKING TREE" Bakugo shouted breaking my thought, "Oh! Sorry! I'll be careful next time." I responded, embarrassed. It'll be fine, the dragon hunters have been trying to catch me for years with no luck, it doesn't matter. 


THIS CHAPTER ENDED UP LONGER THAN EXPECTED which I guess is a good thing, anyways have a great day/night! :3

The Commoner and the Prince ♥tododeku story♥On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara