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In the dorm and Wildcard teleports to Missy's room

Missy: Hey Wildcard

Wildcard: Hey, umm...about the sleepover...

Missy: Yes, I know. GUppy told me

Wildcard: I never thought she would actually do it

Missy: Well, she did it

Wildcard: Can I ask you something?

Missy: Yeah, sure. What is it

Wildcard: Will you be my girlfriend

Missy: Yes

Wildcard: Cool-

Missy: Guppy, I know you're there

Acapella: I'm not Guppy, I'm Acapella

Wildcard: How did you get in?

Acapella: The backdoor

Wildcard: Why do we have a backdoor?

Acapella: For emergencies

Missy: Then if there is no emergencies, why did you come? You could've knocked

Acapella: Missy, this is an emergency. But since you and Wildcard are more emergencies

Also Acapella: Also, Wildcard remember the deal

Wildcard: *crying inside*

Wildcard gives Acapella 10 bucks

Ok so I have I think one more chapter after this unless you all want to continue the generation so byeee

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