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Ace: So what do we do?

Willow: Get the second key to stop the bomb and save the city. There

William: But where in the past-

Nora appears out of nowhere

Nora: Guys!

Oliver: Where did you come from?

Fiona:  The past

Nora: I thought I would get more info from the call

Willow: And?

Nora: And the key turned out to be with that caller. The key is with him during the battle

Mike: And how you know that? You can't go to the future

Gloria: Mike, she just listened more from the caller

Willow: Alright, now time to go to the future

In the future and they are at the place where the caller is alone

Willow: We need to sneakily get the key

Gloria: How? 

Willow: ...

Willow: William, can you hypnotize him so Gloria can get the key?

William sings which seemed to hypnotize the caller

Willow: Now, Gloria!

Gloria runs and gets the key from the hand and returns

Willow: Now back to the time machine. William, you can stop singing now

William stops singing and they return to the time machine and so they went back to present

Fiona: Ok so now what will we do?

Willow: We wait for the battle to begin then we disarm the bomb

Also Willow: In the meantime, William can I speak to you for a while?

William: Sure

William and Willow goes to a tree then talks for a while then returns

Mike: What were you talking about?

Ace: They're probably not gonna tell us

Suddenly the bushes were moving and the kids went full alert. And out of the bushes went Marie Moreno

Willow and Mike: Great grandma?!

Marie: What? It's not like you expect me to poof out of nowhere with powers and scare you and besides, element of surprise

Gloria: Where did you come from?

Marie: The grocery. And I just heard you children. Also Willow, may I talk to you?

Willow: How can I trust you? A couple of aliens attacked earlier

Marie: watch closely, dear. All aliens can summon things near them. However, I have no powers so watch that stick

Marie sticks her hand out to the stick but the stick did not move. She then puts her hand into her pocket

Marie: I like the idea testing one's identity dear. That is good idea. But now I must tell you something

Willow: Ok...

Next chapter later. Byeee

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