Whacapella and a Mildcard Deal

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The next day (Warning: There might be a lot of time skips here)

Guppy enters the dorm and Mildcard's awake

Wildcard: How on earth did you get into our dorm?

Guppy: You have back door. Anyway, I have news

Missy: What is it?

Guppy: Ok so this is about to be announced later but...Acapella and Wheels are a thing now

Wildcard: And you know this...how?

Guppy: My daddy's a shark so I can sense vibrations

Missy: Cool

Wildcard: I will be right back. Gonna change

Missy: Ok

1000 years later. Jk I'm exaggerating it's just a few minutes later

Missy: Wildcard! You are taking so long!

Wildcard: Ok, ok I'm  coming

At class

Acapella: Missy, Ojo, Fast Forward, Guppy, I have news for you

Guppy, Missy, Fast Forward and Ojo: We know! You and Wheels are now a thing

Guppy: I sensed it then told them

Acapella: You have some fishy secrets Guppy

Guppy: My dad is a shark so ok


Rewind and Noodles: Wildcard! Get out of Missy land or something!

Missy looks at Wildcard and realizes he was staring at her

Acapella to Wildcard: Let's do a bet. If you end up with Missy, I will get 10 dollars from you

Wildcard to Acapella: But if we don't end up together, you give me 10 dollars

Wildcard and Acapella: Deal

Next Chapter coming soon! :)

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