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Hello readers! This is to tell you that this is kind of inspired and a little copied. Ok now to the story :)

Wildcard enters the dorm to see Missy asleep

Wildcard: She looks kinda cute...

Wildcard goes to his room


Missy: N-no! (wakes up) must've been a nightmare

Door knocks 

Missy: Yes?

Wildcard: Are you ok there? I can hear you from over here

Missy wiping her tears: Yeah I'm fine

Wildcard: Can you open the door? I have no keys with me?


Wildcard: Can you open the door?

Missy opens the door

Wildcard: I see you're hugging the bear I gave you

Missy: Bear?! How do you know about my bear?!

Wildcard: I gave it to your dad and told him to give it to you

Missy: Oh

Wildcard: Anyway, why were you crying?

Missy: Nothing

Wildcard: Pleaseeee

Missy: It's just a nightmare

Wildcard: About?

Missy: Nanya (Who else here thinks that she means Narnia?)

Wildcard: Nanya?

Missy: Nanya business

Wildcard: ...Can you tell me? I promise I won't tell

Missy: Hmmm. Fine, a lot of aliens broke in and kidnapped you all and leaving me alone

Wildcard: We will never leave you alone

Missy: Promise?

Wildcard: Promise

Well that is it for this chapter, see ya'll next chapter and byee!

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