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There are days when we ache. Our bodies are in pain. The neck feels sore. The tension leads to a headache. The tooth hurts and there's an uncomfortable pulsing in that one ear. The back feels terrible, the feet yearn for a break, muscles ache and cramp for no reason, and the stomach is unhappy. Those are the days when we best remember the other days.

My toes wiggle happily, they are warm. My feet are soft. My legs feel strong and my joints well-oiled. My hip is just mobile enough, my stomach quietly digesting. My heart's gently beating, my lungs fill easily with air. My shoulders roll into place, my arms & hands obey my every wish. My throat is calm, my neck relaxed atop a sturdy spine. My head is calm. No physical worries cloud my mind. I try to really feel my body. This is what I long for when anything hurts. This is the most valued physical wellbeing. It is hard to even feel it. The mind wants to solve problems. It struggles to perceive that which is well.

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