littlest pet shop | ot6

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namjoon sat on his knees while his potential owners spoke with the workers. one of them, the seemingly tallest who was also a hybrid, tried to pet him

namjoon immediately began to glare at him. but as soon as his hand touched namjoon's ears, it was a soothing feeling, an instant connection between the two.

"how'd you do that?! he bit me!" jungkook asked. "you just have to be calm with him, he's not a dog, or a wolf, he's a cat, jungkook. a tiger to be specific, like me" taehyung rubbed under namjoon's chin, making him purr.

"alright. he's all yours!" namjoon looked up to the now six that was surrounding him. namjoon stood blinking rapidly. his first instinct was out the door and very far away. but next thing he knew, someone's arms was around his waist, holding him off the floor.

it was hoseok, he carried him to the car and put him in. he began to kick the chair in front of him, making seokjin glare at the hybrid who looked as if he couldn't hurt a fly.

"maybe i should sit next to him, jimin" taehyung switched seats with jimin. he turned to namjoon and let his fingers graze namjoon's soft skin, until they reached his neck, he stroked it, the older stopping in his tracks to purr instead of kick

"taehyung must have the magical touch, huh?" hoseok joked. taehyung paid the rest of the world no mind.

namjoon whimpered as taehyung took his hand away. he nuzzled taehyung's hand, trying get him to put it back.

"eager aren't we?" taehyung smiled, he kissed namjoon's cheek. "pretty kitty, my pretty kitty, right?" namjoon nodded eagerly. taehyung smiled and was about to kiss his cheek once more but namjoon turned his head quickly and got his lips kissed.

"wan more!" namjoon giggled, taehyung pecked him again. "hmp!" namjoon furrowed his brows. namjoon connected their lips.they moved in sync as they deepened the kiss.

"we're h-" their driver announced, but he looked to the back, everyone except taehyung and namjoon were already outside and in the house.


the two made their way into the house and their mouths parted as they reached the door. "namjoon-ah!" seokjin grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hall, infront of 3 rooms

"this one is mine and yoongi's, this one is taehyung's and jungkook's-" namjoon opened the door of the last room. "oh hell no" he closes the door, the vibe of the room wasn't for him.

he opened vkook's door, then closed it. he sighed and went into yoonjins. "i wanna stay here" namjoon curled up in yoongi's black bedsheets.

"yoongi we have a roommate and he's curled up in your sheets" seokjin told him. "is jungkook trying to switch again?! i'm gonna kill him!" yoongi charged to his room, then stopped in his tracks

namjoon was curled up under yoongi's covers, cuddling his pillow with one of his shirts on it and purring.

"you really like my scent, huh?" namjoon jumped, then he threw the pillow and grabbed onto yoongi. "mine" he cuddled the older. "luv chu"

(it's namjoon's first year of learning how to speak, give him some credit 😭)

yoongi chuckles. "i love you too kitty" namjoon purred. nuzzling into yoongi's shirt.

"namjoon ah, look" jimin took a deep breath and then he did a perfect cartwheel "i did it!" namjoon smiled, then something caught his eye.

a red dot. pointed directly at jimin's crotch.  he tried to resist the urge to do it. then he finally pounced on jimin's crotch "ow" he hit the floor with a thud

"s-sowwy diminie" namjoon pouted. "it's okay namjoon, no need to apologize" jimin smiled. namjoon wrapped his arms around the younger. "i still sowwy"

hoseok sat on the kitchen island, drinking a cup of water. namjoon grunted as he pulled himself up there. "there you go joonie" hoseok smiled. his heart smile attracted namjoon (i mean,🤭 who isn't attracted to it)

he just had to kiss hoseok. so he did. "your lips , soft" hoseok giggled, namjoon reattached their lips.

the group had a custom, to watch a movie and cuddle together before bed, jungkook and taehyung in the middle, yoongi on seokjin's lap and hoseok laying on jimin's shoulder.

namjoon completed it, he laid right between the two on jungkook's shoulder. "you can pet me now, kookie" jungkook smiled and pet namjoon's hair.

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