Become Inhuman Prolouge

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Y/n's tellingPOV:

Becoming human is easy, you get born, live a fun life, grow old and die. I never got to grow old, not because I died but because I couldn't, my story begins on August 29th, 2029, it was my birthday and like any parent would my mom and dad, got a party for me even if I was turning 23 they fixed it. My mom or step-mom and dad were always fighting even if mom was pregnant with a baby boy at the time, it had been a long day and dad came to pick me up from work, I was a cop or more specific a detective, he pulled up and I got in the car, "Hi dad!"I said putting on my seat belt "Hey kiddo"Dad said and started driving to the party, we had small talk until we got to a rented local, I got out and was greeted by my friends and boyfriend, Luke.

Dad never liked him, but he knew he made me happy so he invited him, we all went inside and music was playing and drinks were being poured, everyone said happy birthday and I smiled and thanked them and took a cola not liking to drink, and we all mingled away I forgot to say bye to dad. "Y/n can you come here"Iris my best friend asked I nodded and followed Iris she looked pretty sad then she pointed across the room to Luke with a girl kissing each other, my eyes filled with tears but I took a shot from an android and swiped it before walking over to him "Luke!"I said mad, sad, and betrayed and he looked at me like he wasn't doing anything wrong.

"What?!"He asked annoyed and went back to making out with this girl, I looked to the table beside him, and there lay a package of Red Ice open, "Have you used that?!"I yell and everyone looked over, he looked at me "Come let's talk in private"He said and walked out the back door and I followed, as soon as the door closed behind me I was pinned against the wall by my neck, I couldn't breathe I was grabbing and clawing at Luke's hand but he didn't let go when he did I fell to the ground and took a deep breath and he pulled out a gun, I stood up fast as he pointed his gun and at me "Any last words?"Luke asked, "Yes," I said and quickly kicked him in the nuts, and started running I didn't have my phone and I didn't have my gun.

It was me and the predator, in the darkness of Detroit at night, empty streets and few out, I ran in the middle of the street with Luke hot on my trail when he started catching up I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw one second of light before I was laying on the ground in unbearable pain, I heard sirens I opened my eyes and saw the beautiful night sky, stars shining and the moon as big as ever it was a beautiful sight I always loved stars, my view was blocked by millions of white dots and everything became blurry, I felt cold and alone as I felt more pain but I had closed my eyes and I was never able to open them I heard humans and androids talking.

I fell asleep when I woke up I couldn't move or open my eyes, I was stuck in my own body, I heard voices "Where is she?!"I heard a man's voice I couldn't make it out a voice responded that was quieter it was muffled, I heard a door open to my left "Oh Y/n, kiddo why can't people I love stay safe.."Dad said sadly it hurt me hearing him sad. The door to the room opened again "Lt. Anderson your daughter is stable in her coma but she might never wake up" a female voice said, I zoned out thinking I was in a coma?. I didn't know how long it had been all I knew was dad visited every day and if I added it up I had been there for 1092 days or three years, My little brother was born and he visited on weekends.


It has been 3285 days I don't even know how long that is, I spend my days listening to the radio or the tv, my dad was here one day and told me Cole my brother died I am really sad I never even really met him, Dad got asked by my doctor Dr. Jackson to have a talk and I haven't heard of since maybe two days, everyday I try moving my fingers and no luck 'fuck it'I think and try to move my fingers and nothing, the door opens and I feel someone place a mask over my face and as I breathe I get sleepy and I am out like a light,

I wake up and I open my eyes only that freaks me out, I looked to the side to see dad a little older with long hair and a beard sleeping in a chair I move my hands and look at them and to the tv where it's a CyberLife ad, "So androids became an every person thing?"I ask myself and feel something is different 'Am I not breathing?' I think and feel my pulse only to not find it I sit up and swing my legs over the bedside and stand like I haven't been in a coma for nine years, my IV falls over and I take out the needle instead of red, blue comes out and I look to the IV bag and it's full of Blue Blood, I look to dad whom has woken up and is looking at me as I look scared "Dad why is my IV full of blue blood?!"I ask freaking out I look to a curtain and I pull it aside seeing new things and a beautiful sunrise catching me off guard.

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