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Veritaserum won't reveal I shifted.

Love potions don't work on me.

I know how to tie a tie.

I am an animagus (if needed)

I can cast a corporeal patronus.

A ring that gets cold when someone is lying and warm when someone is telling the truth.

If someone tried to read my mind all they will hear is 'SoMe boDy coMe gEt hEr sHe daNCinG liKe a StRiPper' and funny laughing.

I can't become a Horcrux.

I don't die, or get sick.

Dementors can't harm me.

I can't forget my safe word.

My friends understand my sense of humor and references.

Hogwarts is stunning and magical.

I know Hogwarts very well, like the back of my hand, and can navigate the halls with ease.

I can always find the Room of Requirement whenever it’s needed.

I am friendly with all the paintings and ghosts at Hogwarts.

I have permission to go to Hogsmeade.

My professors at Hogwarts like me and I get great grades without having to study very hard.

I cannot die or incur any major harm. I feel minimal pain.

Nothing I encounter will traumatize me.

Nobody can ask me questions about my backstory or question why I’m there.

I cannot get stuck in my Desired Reality.

My clone will act as I normally do while I am in my Desired Reality.

My clone will not tell anyone that I have shifted.

I don’t need to shave/wax.

Health care is free or not that expensive.

I breath always smells great.

I are physically fit and don’t get tired.

I am a  good kisser.

I am a very gifted artist.

I have a really good sense of humor.

No one can deny my beauty.

I know every single spell, hex, potion, charm etc.

I only get detention with Hagrid.

A locket tells me the time of my CR.

I can't get pregnant or have periods.

I have a perfect handwriting.

I am a good liar.

I have good hygiene.

I have a endless amount of money.

I don't get too emotionally attached.

I remember everything that takes place and know every person I meet.

Unlimited clothes.

No violence.

Fred and George understand my humor.

I can message my clone in my CR to know what's happening in my CR.

I have straight teeth.

My skin and lips are always soft.

My sweat doesn't smell.

My hair is never greasy.

I don't have any unwanted hair.

I have a good posture.

I know how to fight physically and verbally.

I am not allergic to anything.

No one can read my mind.

I never loose my wand or any of my belongings.

My wand can't break, my spell(s), can't backfire, my potion(s) never fails.

I make people safe.

My farts are silent and don't stink.

Everyone respects every religion.

Everybody respect others sexualitet and gender identity.

People who do bad stuff get punished accordingly.

My clone will do the school work/home work.

I have the access to half blood prince's potion notes.

I have good eyesight.

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