Toph Oneshot (not a chap)[50k special]

Start from the beginning

A statue was created and placed in the centre of town to honour her it was of her holding her favourite weapon with one leg perched on a log, all carved in a beautiful stone.


Today was the anniversary of (Y/N)'s death, Toph was around 30 years old and in her prime. She wore her police uniform and held a bouquet of flowers as she slowly walked towards the grave and kneeling before it.

After years of coming to (Y/N)'s grave she noticed that only on this day the cherry blossoms all fall off the tree before regrowing the next day, it was a bittter feeling and memory for Toph to have. But she had to stay strong.

While Toph talked to the grave she felt an aura behind her and quickly turned around, she couldn't feel any vibrations in the ground bet she felt someone in front of her. Because it was a blue outline of (Y/N)'s spirit she looked the same as she did before she died, in her 17 year old body , Toph got ready to fight "Who's there!!"

(Y/N)'s ghostly laugh was hear and she placed a hand on Toph's shoulder saying "Hey Toph, look at how much you've grown. You look so different from when you were 15" (Y/N) smiled a little as the earth bender crumbled to the ground "(Y/N)!! How are you here? I'm going mad, aren't I" she said gripping her head, slowly (Y/N) pulled Toph's hands into her own and said "My spirit is connected with the tree, I've been watching over you, you know" she said as the earth bender just began to cry.

Most of the time Toph clung onto (Y/N) talking about how much she has missed, but soon their time had to come to an end
With a small sigh (Y/N) let go of Toph and said her goodbyes "I have to go Toph, you'll see me again. One day."

Toph looked panicked quickly standing up and saying "but when" in a desperate attempt to keep her just for a little longer. The 17 year old chuckled saying "I don't know, but just make sure you live your life. I'll see you on the other side, I'm always with you" and just like that she vanished.


For the rest of Toph's life she had visited (Y/N)'s grave without fail, even bringing her kids Su and Lin with her a couple times. Telling them great stories about her.

Even in old age she would never stop coming, after all she was the last of the group left alive, Katara and Zuko both passed away a couple years earlier so she knew her time was near. Even though her relationship with Lin and Su was never fully fixed they both knew their mother was going to be gone soon, so when they heard she was going to (Y/N)'s grave for seemingly the last time, they went with her.

There were only a couple petals left on the tree and Toph couldn't help but let a couple tears slip, she sat down against the tree. Her breath becoming ragged and both the sisters knew her time was near, they kneeled next to her and held her hand with tears stinging their eyes "please don't go yet mother" Lin said shaking a little.

Two petals left

Toph let out a soft and small laugh, responding with a small "It's my time, I'm the last one left." Her vision turned white and infront of her she saw a blue figure, it was (Y/N). With a small smiled (Y/N) walks up to Toph and said "it's your time Toph",
The old woman let out a small laugh and said "not until the last petal drops". To Lin and Su she was just mumbling to herself and gripped her hands tighter "please mother! Come back!" Su said.

One petal left

(Y/N) laughed at Toph shaking her head. Eventually she smiled and held out her hand saying "it's time beautiful let's go" Toph carefully pulled her hands from her daughter grip and went to grab (Y/N)'s stopping briefly to say to Lin and Su "I'm so proud of both of you. I was never the best mother and I know that. But I'm glad you two grew up to be such beautiful women. Just know that I love you both. I always have." she smile light before full reaching out and grabbing (Y/N)'s hand which Toph hand held (Y/N)'s as she turned into a blue translucent ghost as her real hand fell to the ground.

No petals left

(Y/N) pulled her up and now she had turned into an older looking version of Herself, with Toph going back to when she was in her prime. They exchanged a large but welcome hug with (Y/N) saying "Took you long enough, we were waiting" She looked over at four other spirits which made Toph look in that direction as well, where Aang, Sokka, Katara and Zuko.

Toph smiled at them blissfully before realising that she could see "wait!! I can see!!" To which the group let out a small laugh and (Y/N) joked "Congratulations on being dead". To which the earth bender punched her arm before hugging her again, the two walked towards the others Toph taking in their faces with her newfound sight.

They all smiled at her as they all walked up and gave a group hug including (Y/N) eventually parting and Toph saying in absolute amazement "I never thought I'd say this not sarcastically, but you guys look great". The whole group exploded s into laughter.

While that was happening Toph looked back to see her old body with Lin and Su huddled around her crying, she looked a little saddened but (Y/N) was quick to comfort "I know it's hard, but it was your time . You'll see them again eventually. You waited for me didnt you, I kept my promise".

Toph let out a small sigh and a nod before looking toward (Y/N) and facing her body towards her "Yeah about that, ever since that day you kissed my forehead all I ever thought was to somehow to return the favour. Now I can" without a second thought Toph pulled (Y/N) into a long and well waited for kiss.

It was amazing, it was better than either had imagined and eventually the two parted ways. Not even for air, funny how when you're dead you don't really need to breathe anymore. The two laughed at that until a voice Interrupted them, it was Sokka "You know I never thought it would actually take you guys a lifetime to get together". The group laughed as they all walked together in a group with Toph having an arm around (Y/N)'s waist and soon they were joined by Appa and Momo

"I guess our love and friendship did last a lifetime."

Thank you all for everything

Thanks for tuning in but now I gotta tune out. Bye!

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