"Nah, I don't know her." I smile sweetly. "Besides, girls are . . . not really my area."

"Then what about the guy? Is he your boyfriend then?"

I turn my head to look at Nathan, who's arguing with Mae over what to name a churro, and sigh. "I wish."

"Aw." She hands me my change. "Good luck, then!"

"Thanks," I say and head off to join Nathan and Mae. "So, where to now?" I ask them.

"Anywhere and everywhere," she says, gesturing with her arm to the whole mall. The churro in her hand shakes so hard at the movement that I'm scared it might fall on the ground.

"Thanks, hon. That's so helpful!" I give her a patronising smile and she returns it. I turn to Nathan. "The choice is all yours, Nate." I nudge him.

Nathan looks around the mall, chewing on his churro slowly. Okay, it's taking every inch of me to not scream at how cute he looks. Ugh, stop it, Ryder. Keep it together. Then he looks back at me and smiles shyly.

"I don't know- " he starts but something catches his eyes and he tugs on my arm tentatively. "Wait. Bookstore," he whispers.

Then Mae's head perks up. "Bookstore?" she says and she starts chanting, "Books, books books . . ."

Nathan soon joins her and they're now both chanting "Books, books, books" in rapid succession.

I sigh inwardly. God, sometimes I feel like they're both five-year-olds (although Mae's more of the family disappointment and Nathan's the clueless one who follows her). Okay, now I kinda feel bad for thinking them both that way. So I give in and now we're at the bookstore.

Oh damn, it's big. It's definitely bigger than my whole house. And the amount of books in the store is so staggeringly scary. How do they live like this? Personally, I'm not really a fan of books, though. I find it hard to concentrate on huge chunks of words most of the time, which is why I tend to listen to music and (occasionally) audiobooks.

Mae drags us to the manga section and I have to stop myself from gawking at the huge amount of it. Oh my god, I have to say it's kinda cool to look at. I find a few that have the same titles as the animes that Sin watches. Huh, I didn't know there were book versions of anime.

"They're called mangas, Ryder. And anime's usually based on manga, but not all of them," Mae explains from the aisle in front of me and I grimace. I didn't know I said that out loud. What a dumbass I am.

Then I feel a presence beside me. I turn my gaze from the Attack On Titan manga in my hand to Nathan's blue and green eyes. I smile at him and he smiles back.

"Do you read manga?" he asks me.

I laugh. "Oh, no, I don't. I don't know anything about this." I wave the manga at him. "Sin knows, though. He's all about it. What about you?"

"I don't read too. I prefer fiction books," he says, examining a Demon Slayer manga. "Sometimes a little romance too." He gives me a shy smile.

"Oh, that's nice."

We go quiet again, just looking at the shelves of mangas awkwardly. It's getting too much for me so, out of impulse, I take his wrist. He looks at my hand on his wrist and then at me.

"Come, you look out of place here," I joke, but inside I'm a mess. (Oh my god, I'm holding his wrist! What the fuck?) "Let's go to the Young Adult section. I still have to buy that book for you."

"Isn't that two days ago?"

"Uh . . . right. Anyway we're here now." I playfully pull his hand. "Let's go."

He beams excitedly, then his smile fades a little. "What about Mae?"

I smirk and yell upwards. "MAE?"

"Hell, Ryder. I'm behind you, you dingleberry," she groans.

I turn around. "Nathan and I are going to the YA fiction section. Wanna come?" I smile but I'm secretly begging her: "Please come, I'm scared. Don't leave me alone with him, or I'm gonna embarrass myself again. Please, Mae."

Mae's gaze travels from my hand still on Nathan's wrist and to my silently pleading eyes. Then she snorts. "Sorry, hon. I'm gonna stay and look for yaoi." She pouts and bats her eyes all innocent-like. "Have fun, bros!"

I give her a condescending smile. This bag of piss actually got my message but she just ignored it altogether. What a good friend. "Okay, Mae. See you!" Then, I narrow my eyes at her. "In a few minutes."

Then Mae goes forward and gestures for me to bend down, so I do. She hisses in my ear, "Look, I'm your goddamn wingman - well me and Nick both - but I'm gonna leave you boys alone and let your work your magic on him. You better get him. This is your chance." And then she abruptly steps back, grins at both of us and skips away. "Adios, folks!"

What? I'm still reeling from what she just said. She and Nick are my fucking wingmen? I mean, I'm fine with that anyway - but I have a chance? Me? With Nathan? Wha-

Nathan tugs on my hand and I look at him. Oh, I forgot he's here. "Um, Ryder?" he says, "Are you and Mae fighting?"

"Huh? No, no. We're not fighting," I assure him. When I say I hate Mae, I don't actually hate her, it's just friendly banter. And plus, she's really cool. I like her chaotic energy (she kinda reminds me of Sin).

His brown eyes change back to their normal blue-and-green colour. "Oh, good. Because I don't want my friends to fight."

Then I do the unexpected: I let my hand slide from his wrist down to his hand and I squeeze it softly. "Don't worry, Nate." I smile. "We won't."

I pretend I don't see Mae's face peeking out at the end of the aisle behind Nathan.

He smiles shyly and gives my hand a timid squeeze back.

Maybe I do have a chance.

Hey ho folks welcome back

I don't have much of an author's note today so,,,,


I have this lame running joke between Ryder and I that he looks like a Walmart version of Keith and Nico

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I have this lame running joke between Ryder and I that he looks like a Walmart version of Keith and Nico. (Well he kinda does, but with slightly longer hair, turquoise eyes, tanned skin and did I mention muscleskshldhlhdl 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️)

Ryder: Well fuck you, author

Sorry bro but it is what it is 🤷‍♂️

[edit] I remembered that I've likened Ryder to Kevin from Ben 10. No, they are in no way similar. Nick has a weird eye to say that Ryder and Kevin look similar ⚰️⚰️

K yall have fun in the sun (and by sun I mean the ceiling light in your house) and MASK ON!!! PLEASE!!! Stay safe yalls ❤️✨

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