Manatsu: Ugh. I don't know. (sigh) Anyway, welcome to the madness, Laura.

Sango: We'll sing, Laura, let's have musical moments!

Laura: Ok.

That's all she had to say.)

Manatsu: I don't want to seem like I'm just being a spoilsport here, but we have a serious thing of looks in this club.

Sango: So? I know you can't sing. I'd still want you in the club, if you weren't a singing prodigy like you are.

Laura: As for me, I can sing pretty well, not like you Manatsu...


Laura: Oops! That's not what I meant at all! I'm sorry if I offended you when I said you can't sing.

Manatsu: No, it's fine. But, just so you know, I won't be singing either. I don't have that kind of talent.

Asuka: *approaches, putting a hand on one of Manatsu's shoulder* I'll help you and prepare everything you need for our newly advancements of our club.

Laura: *she went to the water of the beach, out of her aqua pot* Aaaaaah... That's better.

Manatsu: Hold on. Nobody is singing without an accompaniment.

Asuka: Why are we still having this discussion? Let's have the concert now!

Manatsu: Look, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but none of us are really singers.

Laura: What are you afraid of? I'm sure the songs will just be loud and boisterous, not like we'll have anything important to say.

Manatsu: I'm not afraid, I'm just considering the rest of our members.

Laura: And what about me? Don't I count?

Manatsu: You do, let's stop and go organize our first concert!

Asuka: Yes, that's the spirit Manatsu.

Laura: (But, I'm a mermaid...)

They are in the center of Aozora city now, inside a building.)

Manatsu: Everyone, come on, we need to get a place where we can all sing without distraction. Now, I know this city area has a few places that can act as our practice room. However, we will need a bigger one, because I'm sure there will be more people showing up for the actual concert.

Sango: Count me in then. I'll go check some other buildings, or we'll just use my Pretty Holic parlor as a base.

Asuka: Can I come with you?

Sango: Of course. You do know it'll probably be a lot more lively there right?

Minori: It is, Asuka, trust Sango. *she already went there I guess*

Manatsu: Alright then, let's go check some buildings!

After a bit more choosing some buildings and getting a guide book for the area, they were on their way. Manatsu and her friends quickly (mainly Manatsu) find the buildings they want to look at. However, it seems like Sango was right; they are really quite active there.)

Manatsu: Oh no, I really thought we'd have the place to ourselves. Bummer...

Sango: Well we could just go to one of the less used ones, there's sure to be less people there.

Manatsu: You and your suggestions. Alright, let's do that.

The girls go to another building (they should have used their base shed).

Manatsu: Oh hmm ok, I guess we separated ourselves a bit. Alrighty, let's just go to the practice room and get this over with.

As they open the door to go to the practice room room, they're hit with the sounds of loud music and an insanely upbeat pop song being played really loudly.)

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