Chapter 8.2

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“H-how did you do that?”
People looked around scared.

It's one of my titan powers, I can communicate with humans through mind
You said again

“You see that! That proves to us that she is and can be our enemy” Nile says looking at Zachary

“Oi, aren't you exaggerating too much?” Levi asked Nile

“Levi, its not time for the scouts to talk yet” Zachary says, Levi just let a 'tch' and continued listening

“Who knows, they might even work alongside her to get rid of the humanity left inside the walls” Nile said while pointing at Levi, Erwin and Hange.

“You are slowly reaching my patience Dawk” Hange spoke. Zachary hit his gavel showing his annoyance
“I said the scouts will have a saying later, if you continue acting like this you won't be given a chance to speak”

“Anyways, I'm not here to waste anymore time, we don't know who or what she is, we know for a fact she is a titan who is now in the scouts, she can commit a genocide or whatever if she wants to, also who knows, maybe Jaeger is working with her all along” the people gasps at what Nile said.

“That can't be true”
“No way”
“They are both titans after all”
“No one knows the history of titans so they might work together”
“What if the Armored and Colossal titans work with them aswell”
People started panicking here and there.
Zachary hit his gavel, “Now, L/n, you can say what you think”
Two soldiers came and took off the steel rod and went back to their places

“I have a confession”

~~end of chapter 8.2~~


My Eruri heart 😩😩

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My Eruri heart 😩😩

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