
Zabini stepped forward elegantly, commanding the room's attention. "My client was the original financier of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and, as such, he maintains the authority to make any and all legal choices concerning its foreclosure under the 1896 Wizards for Welfare Act. It is the nature of such a business that, in the event of an owner no longer being alive, a decline of patronage, profit, and reputation is expected. Mr Potter cannot be held at fault for this eventuality, nor should he be prohibited from exercising his right to reestablish a plan for growth. Business turnover from one owner to the next is never without its trials. That is all, Your Worship, thank you."

The little old lady nodded and read over a piece of parchment that was sitting in front of her. "This all seems fairly straightforward. Has the debt been settled?"

Harry realised she was asking him, and he leaned forward, head spinning. Why hadn't anyone told him about a trial? "Yes, Your Worship."

She nodded again and cleared her throat, voice coming out even more gargled when she spoke again. "Your inspector will report back to the Council before the date of December 31st, 1999 regarding your success. Due to the nature of your fame, the prominent location of your business, and the necessary preclusion of a biased assessment, the inspector whom the Ministry deems most impartial will be assigned to your case."

Harry let out a sigh of relief.

"Has the Ministry selected a candidate?" she continued.

A witch in a sharp, pressed suit stepped forward from a bench, twirling her wand in a small circle under her chin to speak. "Yes, Your Worship. The Ministry has selected Draco Malfoy as the inspector."

Harry choked on his tongue, and Zabini looked vaguely amused by this.

"That's acceptable, thank you. The debtor may petition for a replacement if and only if the following instances occur—"

Harry perked up at that, listening closely.

"life-threatening circumstances for which Mr Malfoy is the direct cause; substantial and well-documented proof of assessment bias; or Mr Malfoy's untimely demise, upon which his immortal soul does not remain as a magical portrait, contactable spirit, ghost, or ghost-like being."

He deflated, glaring at the back of the woman's head.

Perfect, just perfect. There was no way Malfoy wouldn't try to sabotage the shop somehow, but Harry had to find a way to prove it.

He was sure that more was said, but Harry was so wrapped up in his internal thoughts that the next time he looked up, Malfoy was standing directly in front of him and Zabini, and the room was nearly empty, court session over.

Malfoy was just as pale and pointy as ever, but he'd grown into his features since Harry had last seen him, now missing the dark bags he'd had under his eyes since the beginning of sixth year. His hair wasn't slicked back like it used to be, either, instead falling partially into his eyes until he brushed it away with a hand. 

Everything else was much the same, and yet Harry took a moment to get his brain to work, too busy staring at the sharp angles of Malfoy's pressed muggle suit and the way he was staring right back.

"Potter," he drawled. "I can't say I'm surprised to see you, but this certainly is an unusual circumstance we've worked ourselves into." He nodded at Zabini. "Blaise. Effective as always."

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