Flashback: English

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Peyton Warner | February, Junior Year

Annalise Davis lets out an obnoxiously exaggerated sigh behind me. "I don't understand why you can't just go to the shelter another day," she groans.

"I promised Pete," Smart Mikaela whispers. Her voice is always so quiet, and I can't figure out why. Everything she says is intelligent or, if it isn't school-related, really kind. If I had her brains, I'd announce every thought that popped into my head.

"Why can't you guys go Sunday? Isn't it open then, too?"

I've noticed that Annalise is constantly pestering Mikaela. Sitting in front of them in English class has taught me a lot about their friendship. And given me a lot of reasons to dislike Annalise. They call each other best friends though, so I guess Mikaela sees something I don't.

"He gets stressed out when plans change," Mikaela replies.

"Yeah, but it's Tanner, and I get stressed out when my best friend won't go on double dates with me," Annalise whines.

Did Mikaela break up with Sean? I kind of hope so. Based on the impassioned rants Annalise has been going on lately, the guy sounds like a huge asshole. Mikaela deserves better.

And Tanner? Are they talking about Tanner Cassidy? He's an idiot, always smoking before class and showing up with bloodshot eyes. Not the type of guy I imagine Smart Mikaela is into.

"Your stress is different from Pete's stress, and I'm not interested anyway."

"What can I do to convince you to spend Saturday with your best friend and hot guys instead of scooping cat poop?"

"We're walking dogs tomorrow, actually," Mikaela says. Her voice is a little snippy. "I want to see Cooper."

Cooper? Who are all of these guys?

"He's still alive?!" Annalise exclaims, turning heads in their direction.

"Annalise!" Mikaela gasps quietly. "Yes, of course he's still alive. Why would you even say that?"

I have to admit, I like this sassy side of hers. She puts up with a lot from Annalise, but not everything.

"He's ancient. Can't Pete's mom take him?"

"He likes going with me."

I wrack my brain, trying to figure out who Pete is. Pete Martin, maybe? Probably. Martin is Mikaela's last name. He's in the school's program for kids with autism. I think he's a year or two younger than us. He tried out for the football team this year, and Coach Howland had to leave the field, he was laughing so hard at his performance. Robbie, whose younger sister has autism, got benched for the first two games because he went off on him. I should have yelled at him too, but I just sat there. I'm a dick.

"You're never going to get over Sean if you don't move on," Annalise huffs.

"I like dogs more than boys," Mikaela says softly. After a short pause, she adds, "I like scooping cat poop more than boys, honestly."

I stifle a laugh. I've been getting to English early, kind of like I did with history and chemistry last semester, because Mikaela's always in a few minutes before the bell. I can't get the nerve to talk to her, because she's so damn far out of my league, but every day, I find myself rushing through the hall, convincing myself that today will be the day I start a conversation. I really need to man up sooner rather than later, otherwise I'll be pushing stalker territory.

Gigi would be pissed, not that I care much. Maybe if she learns that I can't get another girl out of my head, we'll be done for good. She's been miserable to deal with lately. It's like she can't fall asleep at night if she hasn't picked at least one argument with me that day.

Mikaela seems drama-averse, which makes me wonder why she's such good friends with Annalise, who's out of her fucking mind. She spiked a volleyball into Robbie's face last week because he and his sort-of-girlfriend Sarah decided to take a break. Mutually.

Smart Mikaela is full of mysteries. 

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