23 - Anniversary

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Now that Catra's managed to lessen her fear of water, they both agree it's about an adequate time for them to book another stay at that underwater hotel. Though it's been a few years since that day, the two still remember everything like it was yesterday, from the way Adora had carried her then-girlfriend in her arms, to the quiet time they spent watching movies in their hotel room. Even the little details of the room are still imprinted in their minds, these hard to forget with how breathtaking the view from above was.

Their plans to celebrate their one-year go smoothly from start to finish, until they actually make it inside their room.

"What…" Adora's voice falters as she walks in -- breathtaking, but quite unlike the first time she stepped foot into this place. "What happened here?" Her eyes widen and her mouth almost gapes as that question leaves her thoughts.

Catra joins her by looking up, following her wife's gaze until she sees just how bleak the water is and how little fish there are swimming around. They hold each other's hands instinctively and share a worried look, further questions difficult to say out loud with how abrupt the change is. What was once a view taken straight out of a fairy tale is now a near apocalyptic landscape. Murky waters stain what used to be a picture-perfect scenery, and the few sea creatures still left around look just as sickly as their environment.

Adora's frown shows and she grips Catra's hand tighter. Another glance at each other's faces gives an answer as to what they should do: contact the most knowledgeable person around about this subject. Surely, she'd have an answer -- and some authority over the situation, too.

"I'll call," Adora says, changing her frown for a straight line. "Do you think you could ask anyone about this while I'm done?"

Catra nods, firm and confident. "Leave it to me." They meet with each other and share a kiss on the lips. "I'll see you in a bit."

With that agreement settled out between them, Catra hurries out of the room while Adora sits in bed. She can feel nervousness build in her throat, though she tries not to let the situation get to her too much. It was strange to think how the reservations were made without them catching anything out of the ordinary during that process. And it was stranger still to have made it past the parking lot, the lobby, and the elevator -- pretty much, all the way up to the hallway -- only to have the ugly truth revealed to them here.

As she waits for Mermista to pick up, she can only wonder if -- maybe -- things had been too good to be true these days.

Her hands begin to sweat and she starts to grow short of oxygen, sensations that lessen when she takes consistent breaths in and out. She's further calmed down when the door opens, revealing Catra standing behind it. Her wife's with someone who looks like one of the hotel's janitors, though the person waits outside while Catra does the opposite. Her brows furrow in concern and a patient smile shows on her face, empathy made present in the subtle wetness of her eyes. "You okay?" she mouths, meeting Adora's eyes.

She smiles back and tries not to jump off the bed when Mermista finally picks up.

"Are you guys doing alright?" she asks, voice sounding muffled from her line. "Aren't you... supposed to be celebrating your anniversary right now?" Her voice is far from sarcastic as she says that; rather, worry drenches her words -- as if she's formed the worst-case scenario in her head. "Tell me the truth, Adora."

Adora sighs and spares one quick look at Catra before waving at her, smiling again, and gaining some confidence back. She then breathes in sharp, bracing herself through it. Whatever situation was being brushed under the rug, she had Catra by her side -- and friends like Mermista, too. Looming trouble or not, they would get through this.

With that thought in mind, she replies with, "It's not about our anniversary, but…"

She tells Mermista the gist of the situation, making the woman almost scream out a 'What?!' from how sudden the news is, and despite how much the blonde had tried to ease her into the topic. 

"You two wait right there," she says, anger masked by a stern tone. "I'll get there soon."

Yearning, Learning - [Catradora Drabbles] [Returns 09/29/23]Where stories live. Discover now