"Ah flowers for me, you shouldn't have," I state sarcastically.

"They're for the lady of the house," Tristan mimics in return, "The well mannered bring a gift when invited to dinner. I assume you brought nothing?"

"Nothing but my deepest respect for you," I smile incredulously.

"Lovely we're all getting along," I hear Niklaus announce walking into the corridor.

"Like a fuse and a match," I reply passively.

"I take Aurora is on her way?"

"I'm sorry I'm late," The red head claims.

The sound of her voice is still so beautiful and angelic. I stand up and make way to her.

"Just freshening up, I did want to look pretty. Well well if it isn't my old friend Lucien."

"Aurora, it's been ages. You look-" I begin before Niklaus cuts me off. 

A feeling of disgust falls on to my face and the put in my stomach churns for not only myself but for Eris.

"Welcome to our home," Elijah announces walking down the stairs, "I do wish it was under better circumstances. We all face a common threat. A prophecy warning that my siblings and I would all fall within a year. I fear my sister already has."

I almost want to laugh at his words, the pathetic meaning of family he adores so much makes me want to gauge my eyes out.

"Only as a precautionary measure I assure you," I listen as Tristan spits the rubbish out.

"Interesting you see I would've called it and entirely unnecessary measure. We need to unite to prevent this prophecy from passing. And since any alliance is impossible without honesty, let us begin this evening by formally acknowledging you clandestine alliance." Elijah explains and I feel my face pale a bit.

"Now gentlemen before-"

"Shh, shh, shh, shh, Lucien, please. Let's not ruin the dinner before it begins," Elijah counters me.

"And do try to bear in mind, we expect an honest and productive negotiation this evening." Niklaus adds with a sweet tone that makes me want to hurl.

"Shall we begin?" Elijah asks and we move to the table.

I take my seat and roll my tense shoulders. My distaste for those around me makes me shift uncomfortably.

"It's a bit odd isn't it? Celebrating an American holiday." I say out of curiosity.

"Well Lucien I rather enjoy thanksgiving. The turkey, the cranberry sauce, the lies, the deceit, the betrayal," Elijah responds and I nearly snort at his words, "Perhaps we should grin this evenings proceedings with a little confession. And do help yourselves."

"So this entire dinner is meant to be some boorish inquisition? How rude," Aurora states in distaste.

"Nonsense love, my brother merely wishes to make certain were all on the same page, so who would like to begin." Niklaus replies.

"Now now, I do want to know why the fourth guest we've invited didn't make an appearance. So Lucien, care to explain as to why-" Elijah counters to before I cut him off hastily.

"She wasn't interested being around you, any of you. She's enjoying a nice meal with a friend of her's, a certain blonde with a PHD in psychology," I speak out with guilt in my chest knowing that I'd lied to Eris about her invitation to the dinner.

I watch as Elijah's face falls slightly and Niklaus tenses at my words. I take a sip of my wine, satisfied with their reactions.

"On that note, Lucien and I have always loathed each other. Had we arrived as allies with news of a bleak future you would've doubted us. We sought to remove suspicious my maintains appearances." Tristan goes in to say.

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