Leftover Chicken and Happy Thoughts

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You walked back into your apartment, feeling lighter than air after meeting Wilbur. Did we have a moment? You don't know how he feels, but you know you should probably stop thinking about it. Even if there was something, you probably would never see this man again. 

Olivia turned around from her position on the couch, "Hi, Y/N! How was the park?" 

"Hi Olivia! It was...a little strange. I met a kid I used to babysit. He was filming for a YouTube video." You told her what had played out. You knew you could trust Olivia with your secrets. You'd confided everything in each other. So you also told her about Wilbur, "He was so tall, and he had the most gorgeous brown eyes...I think we might have had a moment."

You beamed from the memory. Olivia's lips tugged into a smile, a giggle escaping. "Oooh, someone's happy!"

You sighed, "Yeah, but I probably won't see him again. Best not to get my hopes up."

Olivia nodded, sighing as well. "At least you had fun. And hey, it was nice to see what little Tommy is up to!" 

"It was! I think I'm gonna try and find his YouTube channel. See if he's got anything interesting," you said, walking towards your room. 

"Haha, maybe he's got more content with that Wilbur guy!" 

"I hope so!" You turned on my computer, looking up "tommy minecraft." You came across the TommyInnit channel, and couldn't help but laugh as you saw his profile picture and some of his thumbnails. 


A few hours passed. You'd found plenty of Tommy's videos, some of which genuinely made you laugh! Olivia was right; a few videos in, you'd found a channel called Wilbur Soot. Sure enough, it was the same smooth voice and dark hair you'd seen that day at the park. His content was funny, too. 

Eventually, Olivia heard you laughing and came into your room, a plate of leftover chicken nuggets in her hand. You watched Wilbur and Tommy's videos together, eventually fighting over the last nugget. 

You also found Wilbur's music. You loved his early-Internet aesthetic and the tone of his songs. You immediately added them to your playlist. 

You realized the entire day had passed, the sounds of screaming and laughing British men filling the room. You washed up and slipped into your pj's for the night, finding Wilbur's Twitter and pressing "follow." 

You drifted off to sleep, the feel of Wilbur's handshake still fresh in your mind. Even though you knew it was probably bad to have such a huge crush on a guy you'd probably never meet again, there was no harm in thinking about it. Right?

Second chapter! It's a little short, but it'll pick up in the next part. For reference, you are 23 in this story, Olivia is 22, Wilbur is 24 and Tommy is still 16. Hope you guys are liking the story so far!

Word count: 473

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