City Benches and a Foam Sword

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You sat in the park, reading one of your favorite books. It was a warm Tuesday afternoon, and the sun was streaming through the thin layer of trees surrounding the grassy fields. Your roommate, Olivia, finally convinced you to go outside and get some fresh air. "It's good for your mental health," she'd said.

That was true. You did need a break. There'd been a lot of stress lately at the restaurant you waitressed at. People demanding food with this or without that, guys and girls alike staring at you a bit too long, your boss rarely remembering to give you a break during long, busy shifts.

You were just about to turn the page when you heard some commotion on the other side of the park. You glanced up, seeing a teenage boy walking around with a foam Minecraft sword and a filming crew following him around. You looked over and smirked at him as he swung the sword at a nearby tree and screamed loud enough for the whole block to hear. Did his voice sound familiar? No, it was probably just your imagination

You were just about to turn back to your book when you noticed the boy and his crew walking towards you. The boy stopped a few feet in front of you, holding the sword out.

"You're my girlfriend," he said. You knew you'd heard that voice from somewhere...

"Wait, little Tommy?" you exclaimed, the memories rushing back to you. You remembered him as just eight years old, asking you for an extra cookie after dinner, and throwing a fit when you said no.

Tommy stared at you, confused, until you saw his face change as he recognized you. "Y/N?"

"Yes! I remember you! Oh, you were so cute as a kid, and now you're...almost grown up!" You glanced at the film crew, who were obviously very confused. "What are you doing?" you asked.

"I'm filming for a YouTube video," Tommy admitted, looking a bit embarrassed.

"Oh," you said, turning to the camera, "Hi YouTube! I used to babysit Tommy when he was a little kid!" Tommy's face turned even more red as the film crew laughed.

"No no no shut off the camera, shut off the camera!" Tommy stammered, moving to put his hand over the lens. The cameraman obliged, clicking a button and lowering the camera.

"So wow, you're a YouTuber now! I can't say I ever expected that," you said to Tommy.

"Yeah. I was doing a "minecraft in real life" bit and then Wilbur here dared me to come over here and talk to you," explained Tommy, gesturing to a tall man in a beanie and sweater.

You laughed. The man moved to shake your hand, "Hello! I'm Wilbur. I'm sure you have some interesting stories of Tommy as an even younger child?" he joked.

You shook back, immediately noticing his large hands, how the callouses felt against your own hand. You felt yourself getting a little hotter as you looked up and noticed his beautiful brown eyes and the curls sticking out from beneath his beanie.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Wilbur! I'm Y/N." you said after you (reluctantly) let go of Wilbur's hand. "And yeah, Tommy was always a little troublemaker. As I'm sure he still is." You smiled, reaching up and pinching Tommy by the cheek. He was taller than you now, but still a child in your eyes. He pushed your hand away, looking annoyed.

Wilbur laughed, pushing back one of his curls. You caught each other's eyes again, and you got lost in their chocolate-colored depths. It was clear he was taking another look at you, too.

"Anyways, we should get going. I've still got a video to film. Nice seeing you again, Y/N!" Tommy said, interrupting the moment. You tore your gaze away from Wilbur's to bring yourself back to reality.

"Yes, good luck! And remember, you have to eat all your vegetables before you can have a cookie!" I joked at Tommy, who just sighed and rolled his eyes. Wilbur waved at you as he followed Tommy. You waved back, feeling yourself blush just a bit.

You sat down and covered your face with your hands. Oh boy, Olivia was going to have a field day with this when you got home!

Thanks for reading! This is my first fanfiction, so any feedback you have will be much appreciated! I'm very excited to write this.

Word count: 744

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