Soft Towels and Sweet Goodnights

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It was fully nighttime when you arrived at Wilbur's house. You had texted Olivia to tell her you'd be staying with him tonight, to which she replied with "have fun" and a suggestive smirk. 

He led you in the door, "You can have the shower first. I'll go look for some of my clothes you could wear." 

You nodded, kicking off your sandals and handing him back his jacket before heading into the bathroom. You peeled the sand-covered, wet clothing off of your body and set the water temperature to hot. 

The shower was relaxing. You hummed one of Wilbur's song, specifically "Internet Ruined Me." 

You stepped out of the shower before realizing you had nothing to wear outside of it. 

You hunched next to the door before opening it a crack, "Wilbur?" you shouted down the hall, the embarrassment staining your voice. 

"Yes, Y/N?"

"Um, could I have a towel?"

You heard rapid shuffling and apologies coming from down the hall. 

Wilbur appeared on the other side of the door, you peeking through the crack with one eye. He had a large soft towel in his hands. 

You stuck one arm out to take the towel from him, "Thanks" you muttered before closing the door. Man, that was embarrassing. 

You wrapped yourself in the towel before stepping outside the bathroom, dirty clothes in hand. Wilbur was standing nearby. 

"I'm so sorry about that. You can leave those clothes in the laundry bin to be washed, and I left clean ones for you in my bedroom."

"Thanks Wilbur. You're the best." you smiled up at him, still clutching to your towel. 

Wilbur smiled back, a little embarrassed, "Well, uh, I'm gonna take a shower too. Make yourself at home!" He waved at you as he stepped into the bathroom. 

You waved back. You walked down the hall to his room, seeing the nicely folded set of clothes on his bed. You placed your wet clothes on the edge of the laundry bin at the side of the room. 

He'd left you a pair of shorts and a hoodie. They would both be stupidly big on you, but that was fine. You closed his bedroom door and changed into the clothes. 

The hoodie was basically a dress on you, and you had to tie the drawstring on the shorts pretty tight. But it worked, and you were comfortable. You used the towel to dry your hair, finding a hair dryer sitting on the dresser. You plugged it in and dried your hair, hoping Wilbur wouldn't mind. 

You turned off the dryer and heard the shower turn off. You heard soft cursing from the direction of the bathroom. 

"Hey, uh, Y/N?"

You rushed from Wilbur's room down the hall, seeing his head poking through the door. His hair was slick against his head. You couldn't hold in a small giggle. 

"This is a little embarrassing but...I forgot to bring a towel for myself. Could you grab one from the hall closet?" Wilbur asked. 

You giggled a little more. "Of course," you said, ruffling his hair a bit, earning a blush from him. You had to jump to reach the top shelf of the closet to get a towel, but you managed. 

"Why are you so tall?" you said as you handed him the towel. 

He chuckled, "You look great in that hoodie-dress," he joked. You groaned in playful frustration, ruffling his hair more before he ducked into the bathroom again. He emerged a moment later, towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was sticking up in different directions, still soaking wet. You glanced a little lower. He really was fit. Some water dripped down his bare chest, the droplets falling all the way down to...

"Like what you see?" You snapped out of your trance. You'd been staring. A blush formed on your face and you hid yourself in the hoodie you were wearing. Wilbur winked at you and walked to his room to get dressed. 

(Author's note: no, this won't lead to smut. Get your mind out of the gutter)

You felt embarrassed but, well, he was your boyfriend. It was okay to least a little. You smiled to yourself. He was yours. And you were his. You felt so lucky. 

You sat on his couch as you heard the hairdryer activate from Wilbur's room. You yawned and checked your phone. There was some really cute fanart drawn of you and Wilbur, some including Tommy scowling in the background. The MCYT community had accepted "sitterinnit" as a real character. You even had your own hashtag!

You reflected on the past few weeks. They'd been the most eventful days of your life. You'd met new friends, found love, finally got away from your horrible boss...You were happy. 

Wilbur emerged from his room in his own hoodie and shorts, though they fit him much better. He carried with him a big fluffy blanket, and spread it over you from behind the couch. You giggled and put away your phone. Wilbur slid under the blanket next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You snuggled into his side. 

"Wanna watch a movie?" Wilbur asked softly, running a hand through your hair. 

"Sure" you said, though you were getting tired. 

Wilbur grabbed the remote and put on a cheesy yet classic romance movie. You were barely able to keep yourself awake. 

When the movie ended, your eyes were half closed and you were still cuddling against Wilbur. He shut off the movie and looked over to you. He slowly got up from the couch before leaning back down. He picked you up bridal style and carried you into his bedroom. You were still half asleep. 

He set you down on the bed and lifted up the covers so you could slide underneath. He got in on the other side of the bed and laid down, you immediately cuddling up to him again. You laid your head on his chest, allowing your tiredness to take over. 

You heard a low whisper near your ear. 

"I love you, Y/N"

Right before you allowed sleep to take you into the land of dreams, you whispered back. 

"I love you too, Wilbur."

Thank you guys so much for reading! I've had a blast writing this story. 

I have four other MCYT stories. Now You Know (Ranboo) and Love or Host (Fundy) are complete, Burning Love (Karlnap) is in the works, and All for the Show (Tubbo) has been put up for adoption. Go check them out if you like my writing!

Follow me for updates! I'll sometimes leave questions for my audience, which could influence future stories!

I love you all! Have a beautiful day/night! :)

Word count: 1127

Morning Coffee and Evening Music | Wilbur Soot x ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα