"We're going to renovate," I decided and he seemed surprised, "Our hotel used to be the jewel of the sea front in this town, and I think we can make it that again," I told him confidently.

"How?" He asked me.

"You know this town well but I know weekenders, I know how to give people what they want and make money from it," I said and I did think we could do it, "but we both need to be all in on this," I added because I wasn't doing it without him.

"Deal," he agreed and we hugged, "thanks for looking out for Ever's future too," he said as we hugged.

"Red looked out for us, only right his share of the money goes to the next Everard," I said and pulled back, "I need to go call Skye, tell him I need to stick around a little longer, at least until we get renovations underway," I told him and gestured him out to the garden to go play with his son instead.

"So are you on the flight tomorrow or next week?" Skye asked before I could say anything.

"There's been a new development," I said awkwardly, "so I have to stick around a little longer because there's been some complications with the will," I informed him, leaning back against the sink. I wasn't sure I wanted to tell Skye exactly what I'd gotten until it had all sunk in.

"How long?" He asked me.

"I don't know yet, I have a lot of work to do whilst I'm here," I told him, "reconnecting with my brother the past week has been really good for me and it's what Red wanted for me, to come home and be a family, and since the season is over and I don't have a normal job right now, I'm going to stick around," I told him and I hoped he would support me.

"Guess I need to book a flight out to Cali then to come help you out for a few days," he said and that was really sweet of him.

"You don't have to do that babe, I'll be fine," I assured him, and I didn't know if EJ would let him in the house or if wanted him around Teo.

"EJ, we've gone from seeing each other all day everyday and now I haven't seen you in two weeks," He told me and I hadn't noticed it really. I quite liked the space I was having from him.

"I guess you can come out for a few days but I'm going to be busier than if we were on charter," I warned him.

"What's new there?" He asked me, "you're constantly working EJ, on land or at sea," he reminded me but it was because if I had nothing to do, I'd go a bit crazy.

"Idle hands and all that," I said and it really did get me. "Speaking of that, I'm due a run," I told him, pushing off the sink. "I'll call you tomorrow babe," I said and headed up to my room.

"Tomorrow," he agreed and hung up. I got changed quickly, left a note on the fridge and headed out to go run around marina. I got out the door then decided to back track. I picked up the keys for the Addy then went back out the house to run.

I got to the marina and headed for the slip. She'd not changed slips since we got her, always on Slip 5J because the Marina manager had a sense of humour by giving the family of EJ Addisons the slip that would translate to EJ. "Miss Addison," Owen said, tipping his hat as he walked up to me.

"It's been a while," I said and gave him a hug. Owen taught me a lot about boats and he was the one that suggested yachting as a job to me when it was clear I was looking to bolt.

"You got big," he commented and pulled back from the hug. "So you did become a yachty then?" He asked me.

"How can you tell?" I asked him.

"The way you stand, just like a stew," he explained, "surprised you didn't try to be a deckhand," he told me and I did think about it but I was more meant to be a steward.

"I look better in the skirt than shorts," I justified and I wanted to board the boat.

"She is your family boat, I doubt EJ would mine you boarding her," he told me, reading my mind. I held up the boat keys to him, my newest prize possession, as he helped me aboard then joined me.

"She's actually mine now," I said and he whistled. "So can I take her out?" I asked him as I let myself into the wheelhouse, wanting back onto the sea. I'd been on land too long already, really wanting to be out on the waves rather than running on land.

"Currents are good and there's no storms coming in but you ain't been in the wheelhouse for a while, Lil E," he told me, "but if you're looking for work whilst you're around town and want to be around the water, I could do with an off season deck hand," he offered me and I would have agreed in a heartbeat if I hadn't just got my brother agree to a full renovation of the hotel.

"You know normally I'd love that but the family business needs to come first," I said and put my hands back into my pockets after I locked up the wheelhouse.

"Still, you know I'd take you on deck at any point," he told me as we got off the Addy and I appreciated that he'd just hire me no questions, I appreciated that a lot.

"I'm sure you'll convince me to come out on deck at some point whilst I'm here, you know I had been land bound," I said and hugged Owen again. "See you later," I said and started running again to continue my loop.

I got back to the house as Lola was pulling up. "So EJ told you about my plans?" I asked her.

"And I'm here to help with budgeting," she told me and I appreciated how much she was helping out my family.

"Let me shower then we can start working it all out," I said and let her into the house. I headed up the stairs and had a text from Teo.

'T. Valdez: so what'd you win?'

'Me: More than anyone expected me to get'

I just put on pyjamas and joined them around the kitchen table. "So as the majority owner, how full scale a renovation are you thinking?" Lola asked me.

"Full scale full scale," I said tapping my fingers on the table, "that place hasn't been renovated in at least ten years, and it's overdue," I said, "but as the majority owner, I'm going to put up the majority funding for it," I added and I'd decided that it made sense for me to do that whilst I was on my run.

"I'm not letting you do that Edge," EJ argued, "I agree that the hotel needs renovating too," he said but I was majority shareholder.

"I also have a feeling I have a lot more in savings than you," I said and he didn't argue.

"Based on watching Below Deck, this girl has been making bank for the past half a decade," Lola said, siding with me, "also legally, you can't stop her doing that," she added helpfully.

"I hate you both right now," EJ said, "but I'm assuming you want modern and clean?" He asked me.

"Clean definitely but we're a beach front hotel, I think we should lean into," I told him and I had many plans developing and some favours to call in with some friends I'd made through the years.

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