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Elias was seated in a room, at a table

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Elias was seated in a room, at a table. Two guards stood in front of the door, holding what seemed like a weapon in their hands, ready to fire if needed.

The girl sat opposite him at the table. Their eyes met, and he noticed a lock of hair dangling in front of her forehead which she wiped away.

"I'm Chantal," the girl introduced.


The name suited her. It was soft, just like her.

"You already know mine," Elias chuckled. Chantal sent a smile in reply and nodded. "Yes, I do. So, do you happen to know where you are?"

Elias shook his head. "I see," Chantal said, "well, you are in Ordal, this is another dimension. So, your presence here is fairly weird since no human ever visited this place, nor do the humans know that this place exists."

Another dimension?

Elias was sure he was losing his mind. She was talking as if there was another species the way she talked about humans.

His blood ran cold.

Chantal bit her lip as she saw the emotions going through Elias, and stood up, starting to walk around the room.

"Humans have always been ignorant, never knew that there could be something else out there and too self-absorbed and lacking the intelligence to look for something else and discovering it," Chantal started.

"We, on the other hand, discovered your kind a long time ago. A lot has happened since then, but we stayed hidden and led our lives in our world," she said.

This all didn't make sense in his head. This couldn't be true. Other creatures?

Having known of the human species while the humans remained oblivious? Elias felt like he was losing his mind.

"I can see that this is hard for you to process," Chantal said and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"But how come you look like us?" Elias asked.

"Or you, look like us. So self-absorbed," Chantal chuckled and shook her head. "This is another dimension, Elias."

He liked the way she said his name.

"We were created in the same image, though are completely different..." she trailed off. "And what exactly are you?" Elias asked.

She turned around to look at him and bit her lip. Right, when she was about to answer, the door opened and a man stood there, dressed in some sort of army attire.

The man said something to Chantal, the language sounding like a riddle to Elias's ears; Chantal nodded and let out a sigh, before turning to look at Elias.

"The guards will lead you to your room. When the clock strikes midnight, I need you to meet me in the room opposite yours. Just knock twice," Chantal instructed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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