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Y/n laughed it off, smiling at the flustered blonde. He gave her a glare and playfully rolled his eyes. Everything about her was perfect in his eyes. Tommy couldn't stop thinking about how she had a contagious laugh and smile, the way her eyes lit up when she was around him. He pondered about the idea of what everyone would think. What everyone would think if they knew the way she made him turn red and question their friendship as he tried to fall asleep. A small wave made him realize he had been staring at Y/n while he was deep in thought.

"Stop staring simp" Y/n says, laughing a tiny bit

"I'm not a simp I just- I zoned out" He tells her, and she gives him a look of disbelief.

"Whatever you say" She rolls her eyes with a small smile on her face. The two sat in comfortable silence for a second, Tommy then turning to Y/n.

"Do you wanna go to the beach?" He asks

"Wh- its cold outside?" The girl reminds him

"C'mon it'll be fun!" The blond says, hoping to convice her

"Ok- but if i catch a cold im gonna kill you" Y/n agrees

"Deal. let me grab some towels" Tommy says, then moving past the girl and heading to the washroom. He comes back with two towels, a big smile on his face. The two then head for the front door, realizing it was already dark outside. The innits were already asleep, seeing as they would have to get up early for work. Tommy noticed Y/n was looking at him, as if she were asking what they should do.

"Wait- I'll write a note for if they wake up" He tells her and turn back into the kitchen, opening their junk drawer. The blond grabs out a sticky note and pen. Quickly writing something then pressing the note to the counter. At last him and Y/n finally head outside the house, the cold breeze hitting them instantly.

"We're literally gonna get hypothermia" Y/n says as they make their way to the beach.

"It's so worth it though" Tommy reminds her.

"Eh I guess" She acted as if it really wasn't, but she knew it would be. Anything that involved him was worth it, getting to be around him made her happy. They slowly walked to the beach, making small talk on the way.

"Tubbo's been acting weird" He tells her, Y/n giving him a questioning look.

"What do you mean?" She asks, putting her hands into the pockets of her knee length shorts.

"It's like he knows something but he doesn't wanna tell me" Tommy explains, Y/n immediately getting nervous.

"Oh? So you've asked him to tell you and he refused?" Y/n asks him

"Yeh, it's sorta like he's flaunting that he knows" He tells her, turning and locking eyes with her for a second.

"I'm sure you'll know eventually"

"Yeh, I hope so" Tommy says, unassuming. He then pulls Y/n's hand out of her pocket, lacing his fingers with hers.

"Such a simp" She says, rolling her eyes and smiling.

"You like it though" He mutters boldly, Y/n's face heating up.

"You wish" Y/n jokes, thinking if only he knew.

"Bloody hell your hand is cold" Tommy says

"Deal with it" She tells him, laughing.

"So feisty" The boy states with a smile

"Pshhh" She says with an eye roll, then being pulled off the sidewalk and onto the sand by Tommy. The two both take their shoes off and don't think twice about anybody coming by and taking them (not like they would want to, Tommy's shoe game is shit). Y/n looks up for a second, taking everything in. Stars filled the sky and she stared in awe. She feels Tommy's hand reach over and their fingers lace together.
Y/n looks over at him then back to the water, the moonlight shining on it as the waves calmly crashed.

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