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After a long tiring day, all Mew want is to sleep and rest but with all the noises Gulf was making, it quickly explodes into an argument. With full of regrets, find out how they reconcile with each other.

It is 1 am when Mew finally returned back to his and Gulf's shared condo. He is utterly exhausted from today's schedule. He loves his job but sometimes it drains him and he needs to properly recharge himself to fully function the next day. Dragging his tired legs, all he wants now is a nice warm shower and go straight to bed.

When entering the front door, he is welcomed by Gulf's loud cheer. The younger is playing Fifa on his PS4, not realising that his boyfriend has returned home. Usually, this sight would break a smile on Mew's face, however, today was exceptional. He is deadly tired that even the slightest sound annoys him. He let out a sigh and walks up to the younger and ruffles his hair.

"Oh, Phi! You're home" the younger smiles as he paused his game. "How was your schedule today?" he asked as he pulls the elder to sit beside him.

"Tiring. Why are you still awake? We have a morning schedule tomorrow. Go to bed"

"I'll sleep soon. I just want to play a couple more rounds and I'll be done. You can go to sleep first"

"Gulf" with Mew's current tone, he is clearly against the idea. He didn't like the fact that his boyfriend rather spends his time on games than to rest. They are both equally busy, so resting is essential to ensure good health.

"Please Phi, I promise I won't take that long. Just a few more rounds, please" the younger pleads.

Mew looks at him and shakes his head. He knows how stubborn Gulf is and there is no way he could convince the younger otherwise. "Fine, but promise me that you'll go to bed soon. Three rounds, MAX. Not more than that, promise?" he said sternly.

"Promise" the younger beamed.

"I'm going to shower and go to bed first. I'm beat" Mew said as he kisses the younger's forehead. "Good night, Tua Aeng"

"Good night, P'Mew. Rest well"

After a nice warm shower, Mew is finally in bed ready to drift himself to sleep and it didn't take long as 2 minutes later, he is in his dreamland. However, the sleep didn't last long as 30 minutes later, a loud cheer is heard and it immediately woke Mew up.

"YESSS!!!" the loud noise was heard from the living room.

Mew is livid. When he thought he could finally rest, someone had to disturb his slumber. Headache arises from the sudden awakening. He gets off the bed and stomp to the living room. With anger clouding his brain, he went straight to the TV, shocking the younger and unplug it.

"Phi, what are you doing??? I was in the middle of a game!" Gulf is shocked. He didn't see that coming and annoyance quickly build in him.

"Sleep. NOW." The elder said, not giving any space for arguments. His eyes feel heavy and he really has no mood to quarrel. He just wants to have a peaceful sleep.

"You can't just walk in here and unplug the TV. I was playing" Gulf is extremely irritated but seeing how tired the elder is, he kept his tone neutral, not wanting to snap Mew.

"Gulf, please, let's go to bed," Mew said more of a command than a suggestion.

"But phi-"

"Bed, Gulf" the elder said sternly.

Mewgulf Oneshots CollectionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang