"Wow, bobby this is really good. Why haven't you made this at home." Athena asked, looking at Bobby who smiled. Everyone else looked around smirking. "What are you guys smirking about?"

"I didn't make it Athena, Evelyn did." Bobby said smiling at the youngest member of the 118. "She came over while we were on call and made it so we'd have more time to eat."

"well, then you'll have to come over to my house and cook because girl this is really good." Athena joked with the nudging Eve. "So girly, where are you from?"

"Oh, I'm from Dallas, Texas. Evelyn said, turning to talk with the older female, seeing as she was done eating. "Born and raised."

"Look at that, We have two Texans in our presence now." Athena said looking at Evelyn and Eddie. "Texas no want you two?"

"Haha, Athena. Very funny." Eddie responded, rolling his eyes while chuckling. "So any other wisdom you wish to part with us, Evie? We still don't know that much about you" Everyone agreed with Eddie and Evelyn started to think.

"Well, I'm 21, and spent most of my childhood with my grandparents. I love animals, Especially Cats, Yellow is my favorite color. I love being outside and apart from going to my grandparents, I also went to Austin a lot." Evelyn Started to rattle things off that she thought were interesting about her. Hen smirked at the girl when she heard that she loved cats, thinking it's ironic.(Remember Hen's the only one that knows about her ears.)

"How are your grandparents?" Eddie asked, after finding out that Eve's grandparents were in El Paso, Eddie discovered that he does know her Grandparents. He met them at a market and would deliver groceries to them when he was in high school.

"Oh they're great, My grandfather is back at home from the hospital and in good health. They called me after the Earthquake to make sure I was okay." Eve answered Eddie smiling at his concern for her grandparents.

"That's good next time you talk to them. Tell them i said hi." Eddie said, earning a smile and nod from the girl.

"So how about your parents? Did they call?" Athena asked. Hearing this question, everyone in the 118 froze, looking at Eve worried. They still don't know what happened with the girl's parents but every time they are brought up she always deflects the question. One time she yelled at Buck because he wouldn't stop asking about them.

"Oh, uh I'm gonna get some water. Anyone want anything?" Evelyn just deflected the question, getting up and using her crutches to get over to the sink.

"No honey, we're fine." Bobby answered before whispering to Athena "We don't really ask about her parents. She deflects the question and she blew up on buck when she first started working for him because he wouldn't stop asking. We just don't bring them up anymore."

"Oh okay, thanks for letting me know," Athena said looking worried, thinking she upset the 21 year old. "Don't worry, she's not upset, she just doesn't like to talk about them." Bobby said, soothing Athena's worry.

The team had finished lunch and were just checking over the truck while Evelyn was just sitting on the couch upstairs. Hen came up to check on her. "Hey you mind if I check your ankle? I just wanna make sure it's healing correctly."

"Yeah sure, go head." Evelyn said, putting her phone down and taking her boot off revealing her pastel yellow socks. Hen gently grabbed the ankle and checked it out.

"Okay, well it's looking good. I'm thinking just a week more and you'll be able to get off med leave." Hen said putting her ankle down and standing up. "Now how are you doing? I know it's been a day since you got hurt but humor me"

"I'm doing good, tired all the time and really bored." The younger of the pair said. "I'm really really bored when can I start exercising? I'm a very active person. I'm going crazy."

Hen laughed at the girl. "You can start running again next week. Until then you can go on walks if one of us is with you."

"Ugh, fine." Eve whined. A few seconds later, the fire bell rang, signaling that the 118 had a call.

"Well, see ya when we get back girly. Keep relaxing please." Hen said before getting up and running to the ambulance with Chim, while the guys ran to the fire truck. Evelyn decided to lay on the couch and play on her phone, waiting for them to get back. 


So this is the end of this chapter hope you enjoy. A little insight to Evelyn's past with her parents. Which is not good. We will get more information about them in the coming chapters. 
Any who, hope you enjoy 

Author out

The 118's Kitten(A 911 Story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum