𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 - 𝚍𝚊𝚖𝚗 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

Start from the beginning

"Oh no." Madelyn said.

"He was upstairs. I can't find him anymore." Lori said, worried.

"Maybe he's hiding." Glenn said.

"He's supposed to be upstairs." Lori said. "I'm not leaving without my boy.

"We're not. We're gonna look again." Carol said before she and Lori left to find Carl. Andrea brought out the bag of guns and everyone armed themselves. They had to get ready for this fight.

"You can go if you want." Hershel said.

"You're gonna take them all on?" Daryl asked.

"We have guns. We have cars." Hershel said, prepping his gun.

"Don't be ridiculous, Hershel. We're helping." Madelyn said. That went without saying.

"Kill as many as we can." Andrea said. "Then we use the cars to lead the rest of them off the farm."

"Are you serious?" Daryl asked.

"This is my farm. I'll die here." Hershel said.

"All right, it's as good a night as any." Daryl said, about to climb over the fence when Madelyn stopped him.

"Wait, I need to talk to you." Madelyn said.

"Can't it wait?" Daryl asked.

"No, please. It'll just take a second." Madelyn said. Daryl nodded and the two went inside the house, heading to a quiet area.

"What is it?" Daryl asked.

"I just....I needed to do something and if I die here tonight, I wanna die with no regrets." Madelyn said as she looked at Daryl. She needed to know. She had to know if there was something there.

"What are you-" Daryl asked but was interrupted when Madelyn kissed him. There was instant sparks between the two. Madelyn hadn't felt like this since she was with Landon. Daryl was totally shook but he was more than happy to kiss her back. Daryl did want her and it seemed like she wanted him too. Madelyn smiled into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around Daryl's neck. She felt her back being pressed against the wall and Daryl's hands sitting on her hips. The kiss was warm, sexy, beautiful. It felt real. When they pulled away, Madelyn couldn't help but smile as a blush grew on her cheeks. Just as Daryl was about to say something, they heard the groans of the walkers getting louder. They were getting closer to the farm.

"You're not dying on my watch, Maddie." Daryl said, kissing her nose before quickly leaving. Madelyn blushed a little and grabbed her gun and crossbow before quickly heading outside.

Daryl got on his bike and drove over to the barn that was now on fire. He couldn't believe he had just kissed Madelyn. The kiss was nothing like he had ever experienced before. There really was something there between them, something passionate. He had a lot of motivation now to kill the walkers, to protect the group but most importantly, to protect Madelyn so he began shooting any walker his eyes landed on. Madelyn was with T-Dog and Andrea. T-Dog was driving a truck and Andrea and Madelyn were shooting any walker within their sights. Glenn and Maggie were doing the same thing.

"They're all over the place. There's no corralling them." Andrea said.

"We're gonna run out of ammo before we even make a dent." Madelyn said as she reloaded her gun.

"We need a new game plan." T-Dog said as he tried to run over the walkers. He drove over to where Lori, Beth and Carol was and Andrea opened the door.

"Get in!" Andrea said to Lori.

"Andrea, get Carol." Lori said.

Andrea got out and went to get Carol whilst Madelyn helped Lori and Beth get in the truck. They waited for as long as they could but it looked like the walkers had gotten to both Andrea and Carol.

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