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Prompt: Eager to fill the silence you begin to question the stoic Kaiju.

The silence was annoying as you fiddled with your fingers nervously. You hadn't expected to be airlifted with the literal king of monsters when you accidentally outed yourself as his counterpart you instead had expected to be made aware that you were now on Monarch's radar or something.

The entire time you were hearing his thoughts you never responded or made your presence known so you were pretty sure he wasn't even aware of the connection then. Well he was now. He was seated directly across from you watching the clouds pass by.  When the silence finally got to you, you mustered up the courage to ask a question. "Why do you swim under boats rather then through them?" His attention shifted to you and curiosity flickered in his eyes though his face never changed "because humans are dramatic." You couldn't fight the crooked smile that grew on your face "Why don't you spend more time on land?" He actually didn't hesitate to answer or give a honest answer "the water is calmer and the creatures there don't hover as much."

Your previously nervous posture relaxed because at least he was was willing to speak to you. The urge to shoot off nonstop questions got the best of you and you continued on. "Does it hurt when you release that blue stuff?" Godzilla seemed amused by your eagerness to question him "sometimes but I'm used to it." You wondered just how personal your questions could get and decided to take a chance. "What's your name, I mean you have to be called something other then what we call you" "Amari, human." Pleased he had told you, you smiled kindly, it suited him, you took a moment to tell him your name before something dawned on you. "How old are you?" His eyebrows raised and and he let out a low chuckle "old." "Can you breathe underwater or do you have to surface every once in awhile like whales?"  "I can breathe underwater." Your response was a thankful hum, "thank you I appreciate it."

Maybe being attached to a Kaiju shifter even one as important as Godzilla wouldn't be all that bad after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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